Will And Intention
The gods are men like the others, the warrior seeks in him the Superman
The gods are men like the others, the warrior seeks in him the Superman
The Magician – your servant in this case – therefore continues his initiation.
Obedience or madness, last choice of the sorcerer. I take both.
Apollo is wise. He will be a better god of the gods than his father.
The magic lyre and the mastery of sounds shift the assembly point
There are two wolves in us, the wolf of good and the wolf of evil
Where you will find out how simple cows can help researchers to date legends
Thus spoke Zarathustra in the city called: The Multicolored Cow.
Among the neglected mysteries, the temporal riddles are worth a piece of cake
When inner silence sets in, take the time to observe the world that stops …
Wherever you smell, it smells rancid. Something is rotten in the state of Earth.
“I live, I die; I burn myself and drown; I am extremely hot enduring the cold”