The Masters Of Enlightenment
The former gods used many ways to get enlightenment which they taught us.
The former gods used many ways to get enlightenment which they taught us.
The conception of the Britons’ other world is unique: the dead and the living are not separated.
A discovery that makes Jung a much more modern researcher than old Sigmund Freud
The former gods are not the Source. To trust them is an aberration.
The gift is not a barter. When you give, don’t expect anything in return.
When a thick ice sheet covered the half of Europe, Asia and North America
The stairs start in your heart. It scares you. You don’t want to go down.
Luck is not chance. Luck is real, chance does not exist. Every “chance” is wanted.
Way to enlightenment, source of the alpha wave, it belongs to all traditions
There are some heroes whose names are forgotten by history, but whose auras will ever be remembered by people
Keugant, the world of gods – Abred, the world of men – Gwenwed, the white world, paradise
Little tyrants are a precious gift on the way to inner freedom and awakening