Gods’ Legacy
Every myth is a Rosette’s Stone waiting for Champollion.
Every myth is a Rosette’s Stone waiting for Champollion.
It was a time of innocence, of justice, of abundance and happiness
The nostalgia of an ancient past, brighter and magic is a recurrent myth in many traditions
They were gigantic. They could fly without wings. They desired our females.
According to Genetics, there are only seven different type of women
The Amazons are the Iron Guard of the Matriarchs, they submit or kill males.
Where God, by dethroning the Time, awkwardly shortened our life expectancy
The Archons are the authorities that ruled on Terra. They still rule here.
The Torah and the Bible are similar, but the Torah is much more explicit
On the threshold of history, vitrified walls pose many unanswered questions
Quetzalcoatl, Enki, Manu: three Flying Snakes in three different continents
Musica universalis is an ancient concept regarding the movements of celestial bodies