Flat Earth


“The ancients thought the earth was flat,” they say. But no! Our ancestors, educated and cultivated, never believed such nonsense. This lie is so widespread that many teachers believe it hard. And everyone does like them. But nothing is more absurd. See the Bible: “He who reigns on the globe of the Earth” (Job, 22-7 ) “For to Yahweh are the hinges of the Earth, and on them he laid the globe” (Samuel, 2-8)

Universal error

On this point, the Bible is more just than the Koran, which maintains that the earth is flat, stretched out like a cloth. I will explain later that this error is probably not one.

Christians claim that this scientific error would prove that the Koran was not written by God, but by men. For God cannot be wrong. These funny Christians would better shut up. No religion escapes this kind of criticism. Don’t the Gospels say that Jesus was born in Nazareth? This city didn’t exist at the moment of Jesus birth. It was founded thirty years after his death.

The Bible, like the Torah or the Koran, contains a host of errors and approximations. They can be late additions, copyist errors or wrong translations. On these sensitive subjects, the utmost caution is necessary. But the pseudo-scientific arguments of the Islamists to prove against all odds, against ESA and NASA, that “definitely the earth is flat!” show bad faith or worse, stupidity.

As you can see in the photo above, my skull is no flatter than the Earth, the real one. To those who believe it as flat as in the image, I advise to check that their skull is not. The absence of a brain could well explain their foolishness.


Disbelieving science

We must remember a first truth. The ancients knew much more than we did. Knowledge began to decline with the appearance of a new goddess, science. Roughly speaking, science appeared in antiquity. Logic being her only weapon, she invalidated it from the beginning. Thus the brand new science laid false principles on the ancient times, these principles killed in the egg all subsequent speculations. She ruined everything with disbelief. 

What good is the prophets saying it if you don’t know it? And the Druids knew it too. They held it from the great Atlanteans and the architects of the great stones. (source) Henri Vincenot, The stars of Compostela, p.27

Below the reproduction of a mythological fresco on which the earth does not look flat…



Cliché rulers

We heard some nonsense! The crass ignorance of the builders of the pyramids, those of the dolmens, those of the Cyclopean temples, of the Cities of the Andean Summits, so many clichés still peddled by the national educastration. One damned thought! Fortunately, some wise, inspired initiates strive to rectify the situation, but who listens to them? Who hears them? Once again I shout it loud and clear: in antiquity and long before, education existed, often oral. And educated people always knew the earth was round. The Bible says it, you have to believe it.

We were nursed, pampered, educated by beings much smarter than us. The former gods, aliens, taught us everything. The decline has done its work. Everything is deteriorating, knowledge first. But there is still a handful of wise men who sow the seeds of a rebirth, and the chaotic old world leaves for yet another lap. In any case, knowledge interests only the very small number of the irreducible curious.

As for the people, yesterday’s and today’s, they know nothing of it and do not care. There have always been educated and ignorant people. They live together, work together, write for different audiences. Some convey lies and trivialize ineptitude; others, rarer, teach noble truths. Each his readers, and the donkeys will be well guarded by their fellows.

The battle against ignorance is a lost cause. Most don’t care about knowledge. They don’t care about the veil of Isis. I know I work (like crazy!) for one in ten thousand people. At least that’s what Mevlana Rumi said.


Djalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhi or Rumi dit Mevlana, 1207-1273, Persian poet, theologian and mystic deeply influenced Sufism. He founded in Konya (Turkey) the order of the Mevlevi or whirling dervishes.



Death in the soul

One in ten thousand at best. If she finds me… And if the proportions are the same. Rumi died seven centuries ago. Since then, decadence has accelerated. For all intents and purposes, I’m only interested in one in a hundred thousand. And when I die, one per million. A little over seven thousand people on the globe will be able to understand my approach and make it their honey.

Which doesn’t matter much in view of what awaits us. Maybe the whole humanity will be reduced to seven thousand people? In this case, the rantings of an obscure writer will be returned to nothingness from which they should never have come.

And so what? If it can benefit one man, and that man is a woman, and that woman can transmit it to one intelligent butterfly, I wouldn’t have wasted my time.

Tonight I have death in my soul. It is sad and it hurts. But it is less worse than death in the body. And less bad for health. The soul is immortal, yes or no? Having death in the soul is just a big flip caused by poor digestion. The mussels were not fresh. Or raw potatoes. It weighs and flaps

Believe without believing

I came here at this very moment to bear witness. I had access in other times to all the forgotten wisdom of the world. Yet few believe me. How can I be surprised at this unbelief? My words are rare, I upset all the admitted facts, I respect none of the established doctrines, I unscrupulously conspue general ignorance. I can’t wait to die and be forgotten. 

People no longer know how sweet it is to believe. And dangerous too. The wise man is a believer, of course. But not only. Not absolutely. Beyond the faith of the believer, there is knowledge, teaches Mevlana Rumi.


Wisdom comes from knowledge. And not from belief. How can we overcome this paradox? The wisdom of the warrior of light, the passport of the seeker of truth, the salvation of the believer consists in believing without believing.



Hieronymus Bosch

As I was looking for images to illustrate this article, my research made me cross the path of an artist I love. Jheronimus van Aken, known as Hieronymus Bosch, 1450-1516, was a Dutch painter, attached to the Flemish primitive movement. One of his most famous works is the Garden of Delights, the above triptych in its open form.

As the name suggests, a triptych consists of three panels or shutters. The Garden of Delights shows us in the left pane Adam and Eve in earthly paradise; in the central pane the Garden of Eden and its wonders; and in the right pane, a hell that could illustrate that of Dante.

These three parts are hinged to close. The appearance of the closed triptych is rarely shown. I came across it not by chance, since it does not exist, but by a decision of the authorities who direct our destinies. And I fell on my ass!


The Creation of the World

The triptych is called the Creation of the World. And when it is closed, what do we see? Not our good old planet Earth, but the spaceship of our creators, which the best known of Greek philosophers, Plato, named Hyperborea. Here is the image:



I reconstructed the closed tryptic so that the image was more striking. To make it prettier, I added two side panels that do not exist on the original. On the left, I put the portrait of the author, this brilliant painter totally avant-garde. On the right, I put the original of Bosch, the triptych closed as he created it.

The creation of the world thus reconstituted turns out to be an exact reproduction of the mother ship in which came our creators, terraformers of the planet Terra. These people came to create the world as we know it. If a work deserves the title of world creation, it is this one.

For finally, if the brilliant Bosch was ignorant enough to believe the flat earth, why would he have shown it in a globe? Certainly, the painter was a knower who had a purpose in painting this “cover” which, unlike the cover of a book, would remain invisible because only the inner triptych would be exposed.

What flat earth?

There is no chance, such is my conviction. Hieronymus Bosch calls his triptych the Creation of the World and on the “cover” of his work he shows us the true creation of our world. Did the brilliant artist look for this image in the Akashic annals, which are one of my favorite sources? Or was it inspired by previous works that have now disappeared?

This would mean that all the ancient representations of the flat earth would be none other than realistic images of the mother ship of the former gods. On a half sphere, the four islands-continents of Hyperborea, which the ancient Celto-Vikings named the four northern islands. The half sphere evolves freely in a transparent sphere, so as to remain horizontal inside the vessel.


Wisdom of the ancients

It also implies that the ancients were not as ignorant as we think. There has never been a theory of flat earth, but just representations of the mother ship of our creators. Ignoramuses have seized it, delighted to tear down those before they judge by their image and likeness.

So the Bible says even truer than true: “He who reigns on the globe of the Earth”Job, 22-7 do not seek any more where is his throne, just at the top of the globe, he laid another globe, his throne, the mother ship Hyperborea. And the second quote only reinforces the first: “For to Yahweh are the hinges of the Earth and on them he laid the globe”Samuel, 2-8

Hyperborea and its floating islands

The globe of Hyperborea? This mother ship is like a second earth very close to the first. It is not a star or a wandering planet, in its holds the great ship can carry four flying and floating islands that it deposits gently in the oceans. On Terra, Hyperborea posed only three: Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, Punt or Lemuria in the Indian Ocean and Mu in the Pacific Ocean.see below

These planets did not sink into the waves, they took off and joined their garage in the holds of the great ship. The gods left as they had come. This does not prevent the morons from building theories more wobbly than each other. The truth is much simpler, though totally incredible…

Maximum alert

Beware and prudentiism!! Stupidity intensifies day by day. It drools, it sinks, it engulfs the last free neurons. Fed by stupidity and hatred, our species is nothing more human. What kind are today humans? A kind of idiots.



Mothership Hyperborea

Since Atlanteans and Hyperboreans gods looked the same, ie very civilized, there is a good chance that they both belonged to the same gang: the astronauts gods.


Flying island Atlantis

Atlantis is a cursed subject. Most historians, protohistorians or archaeologists stubbornly refuse to examine the issue other than to laugh. And yet! The mythologist I am, always in love with tales and legends, does not have this kind of prevention. Latinist, I know that legenda means “worth reading.”




God is dead, said Nietzsche. Nietzsche is dead, said God.
Sam Freymal