Tarot, arcana VIII to XV
From VIII The Justice to XV The Devil
From VIII The Justice to XV The Devil
The Major Arcana of the Tarot of Marseilles are the main stages of human life.
The Bosnian pyramids: a cruel hoax, according to archaeologists. An interesting track for the others.
A 12,000 year old temple shatters the taboos of protohistory
The lightning produces 60 billion volts per second. A solution to the energy crisis?
Cat Stevens: Longer Boats are coming to win us
Portrait gallery of the aliens who visited us in the distant past.
Myths are the magical chronicles of a past definitely too great for history
Nikola Tesla planned to build metallic towers for condensing atmospheric electricity
Tesla wanted to transmit Vril energy by waves. The project is back.
Tiki Viracocha had a bright face like the sun because he was the Son of the Sun
Solomon the Magnificent built a temple in Jerusalem to capture lightning.