Longer Boats


Would the early antiquity have known the ocean navigation? In any case, ancient texts attest to the presence of very large ships, like the ark of Noah, reconstructed on a biblical scale in Kentucky by some evangelists of the Bible Belt.

The deciphering of ancient myths is a method well-known by the Egyptians according to Plato. Within the context of revisiting our distant past, which is the purpose of this site, this fine ballad of Cat Stevens always sounds to me quite strange. It looks a bit like the landing of the Atlantean survivors on the Irish shores. Though it could be Vikings’ landing in England around 1066. On more than one account, this poem deserves attention.

Longer boats are coming to win us
They’re coming to win us (bis)
Hold on to the shore or
they’ll be taking the key from the door.   

I don’t want no god on my lawn               
Just a flower I can help along                
‘Cause the soul of nobody knows           
How a flower grows…
oh how a flower grows.

Mary dropped her pants by the sand
And let a parson come and take her hand
But the soul of nobody knows
Where the parson goes,
where does the parson go ?

Longer boats are coming to win us
They’re coming to win us
Hold on to the shore or
they’ll be taking the key from the door.



Atlantean Ships?

These Longer Boats could well be those of the Atlantean landing of – 7000. These invasions of Europe by warriors America on motor ships. These conquerors, equipped with modern weapons, were led by the great Rama. They are called the Sea Peoples.

It is true that Cat Stevens can refer to any historical invasion in Albion, like the Vikings on their drakkars. These narrow, elongated boats could be described as longer boats. In this case, we must face the fact that the same things happen over time. Are the longer boats another proof of cyclical history

Cat Stevens wrote longer than long, and he wants to emphasize the unusual length of the conquering ships. In my view, they are not simply drakkars, which were little longer than the length of British ships. Cat Stevens mentions here much longer ships whose memory he would have captured in the Akashic Limbo. Drinking from this source, others saw that the Atlantean ships were very long. Very long. And even faster, because motorized…


In the first verse, Cat Stevens talk about god invading his land.  “I don’t want no god on my lawn” he clearly says, refusing these new gods. Could it be a reference to Quetzalcoatl? Milleniums ago, these new gods came from America to regain their rights over Europe. You are kindly invited to follow this narrow track where our dear Clio, once again, is chasing her tail.As before being a car, Clio is the muse of History. Both Clios got no tail anyway. What an irony of life, isn’t it? Cat did not want any god on his lawn, does Yusuf regret this youthful indiscretion? Allahu Akbar!

Who sailed these longer boats anyway? Why not ask the question to Cat Stevens himself?Chiché? If by chance an Internet user is in contact with the great man, may he spread the word. Because his answer would not be decisive. Most authors think their imagination is the source, while they are picking what they need from the akashic records. When he imagined his Lord of the Rings, Tolkien never suspected that he was relating the history of our bronze age. He was gifted enough to help himself through the alleys of the Universal Mind. As many sighted artists, George Lucas acted the same way …

…though Star Wars belongs to a much more distant past

If we can say about a thing “This is new” that thing already existed in the former centuries. 

King Solomon


So what are these longer boats? Why not ask Cat herself? I’m afraid her answer won’t be decisive.  Most authors believe they are imaginative when they dig into the eternal Akasha.



Tolkien did not suspect that by inventing his Lord of the Rings, he was making a precise chronicle of our bronze age which he has captured in the memory of the world. George Lucas did the same plan, telling us a much more distant past in his Star Wars series.

Everything is happening as if the truth should come out at any price, by any means. There comes a time when the veil of Isis must fall, and each one, in his measure, in his domain, becomes a prophet of new times. He reveals, he removes the veil of Isis. He can be a singer, a comic book artist, a director, or even a maître passant who hums a song, and this song answers precisely the question you are asking. It brings the missing piece to your inner puzzle. This time, it’s Cat who plays the cat in the water with the devil and the good god. The second, he does not want on his square meadow. The first is a flirting pastor.


Sea or space ships?

But don’t count without the verse that he adds in several live versions. A final verse that gives all its meaning to the two previous ones.

Raise your head and look up
You will see them they look at the earth
From their distant asteroid
In an empty desert
Dying but not rigid

These longer ships are spaceships! It is no longer about the Vikings, the Quetzalcoatl coming from the Atlantic; it is about the visitors of space, it is about the Watchmen, the princes of matter, the guardians of the human people whose physical envelope they have created and whom they have trained, shaped, formatted… They come back, they admire their land, they arrive, they are here!




Devouring Dragons

These are our masters, they are the Archons, they are the gods of before, these demons thirsty for our blood, these predators who want our loss. They do not leave us out of sight but Mary protects us. She attracts the pastor to her so that he lets us go.

And the Archons, dying but not quite dead, are still greedy. These devouring dragons have tasted our blood they will want again and again until death. For they are mortal, fortunately. When Mary the Reptilian, virgin and mother, will rise from her sleep of 4000 years, they will keep a low profile while She will send them very far away all over there, beyond the void, on a distant asteroid…


About a Dead Cat

Hey, Cat, we miss you. your genius in the nettles, your voice in the rubble, the golden age is now an age of death, your golden talent is in tin. What a horror to survive the glory, to be bitten by the fear of the void, not to leave in time. How sad to deny oneself as one grows older. I have known heroes who have developed only their worst sides, neglecting the seeds of light and seeds of life to bask in the bony arms of voracious death.

The beard of the hippie pushing dru made Yusuf a hard-grinning bearded. What pain to be free young, shining at 30 years old, and finally so shabby! He who did not want any god on his meadow flattens before Allah the male god who holds women for negligible quantity.

He who has so much sung our sweet companions, how easily today he denies them, forgetting the Virgin Mother, Our Lady Anne, mother of gods and men, Ana the shakti, Ama the great goddess, Kali the black one, the creator of Shiva, of the Elohim, of Yahweh and of Allah who would be nothing without her.

The one who composed the immortal Father and Son is only a sad grandfather without children.
Goodbye Cat. Free men will remember you. They loved you so much!
They will give you the grace to forget the sinister Yusuf.



Atlantis Flying Island


For nothing that was hidden will remain hidden longer. The time is coming when all will be revealed.
The Bible