Look at these very ancient warriors, they are fighting against themselves in some distant land of Asia. Are they mirrors, doubles, ghosts of the same hero — or brothers of blood, lineage, tongue, and companion? A little bit of it. They are Gemini Velzalaine trend, which is why they keep their distance. But they heal themselves.
They both wear a golden helmet. It’s not to counter the blows. Gold is not hard enough to provide real protection against the bronze pilum they have in hand. A pilum that holds the cement and the scythe. Sharpened like a bayonet, this well-handled blade made the enemy heads fly.
They are heroes, they have dedicated their lives to fighting for their Warlord or for their particular worship. Death is everywhere they look. Fear is not an option. Stretched like panties, furious as bullocks in heat, they advance, immense, intense, calm as graves, quiet as cenobites. They have no need to protect their heads. Their gold helmets serve a completely different purpose.
Moreover, when we examine these four objects, are they really helmets? And if so, what kind of helmets? A ritual headdress? A protection? A copy?
Someone suggested that they were not headdresses but ceremonial vases. In that case, their point would have made them very unstable! But it was pretty well observed. The fine engravings represent precious stones, ornaments of great price… or even buttons, dials, a whole technological outfit that was that of the former gods? Let’s ask the right questions…
I assume that our protohistory experienced a period of advanced technology, certainly more advanced than ours. By far. We have very little evidence of that, yes. But we have a lot of consistent testimony on this. So I took the high-tech past to heart.
In the absence of using the same premises, when on the contrary one tries to deny all technicality to the populations of the Bronze Age, the use and function of the golden headdresses remain a perfect mystery. Like many enigmatic objects, out of category, inexplicable, and so embarrassing to established science, the golden headdresses are to be stored at the bottom of a shed. All ethno or anthropo museums have sheds where to hide non-compliant surpluses under a good layer of dust. They are called hells, they are paved with good intentions. Hell is forgetfulness.
This total mystery, opaque, did not prevent the specialists of the conventional past to accumulate the most cheesy hypotheses. What bullshit! Free from all constraints, a joyful creativity could have developed with profit, you think! The mystery is demoted riddle for five-year-old child. What do I say? Children are more imaginative. Stuck in the university maze, researchers forget the most important thing: the scientific method. Isolated, almost hermits, they cogitate in the darkness of their sad world and unfold their phony scenarios without the shadow of a proof or the slightest clue. And it doesn’t seem to bother them much, quiet cenobites.lost in translation
Hang on, here is the copy of the prosfessionnals of hypo.thesis First, because of their phallic shape, they took the helmets for fertility symbols. The pros then thought they were part of an old armor. So where are these precious armors? Not a single one has been found. If the helmets were buried, the armours should have been buried too.
Someone suggested that they were not headdresses but ceremonial vases. In that case, their point would have made them very unstable! Anyway it was pretty well observed. These objects are precious, I don’t speak of the gold. The fine engravings represent precious stones, ornaments of great price … or even they figured buttons, dials, screens — a whole technological outfit that was that of the former gods? Let’s ask the right questions…
Later, other pros imagined that the hats were placed on stakes in places of worship, to serve as decoration. Let’s see! No one knows anything about these distant ancestors. Neither their language, nor their culture, nor their rites, nor their golden hats. In spite of this total ignorance, we allow ourselves to imagine them as low as we can be today, we who are wrong in the depths of a decadent epoch, resulting from a civilization that breaks its jaw, Humble humans humane the end of the world but no less stubborn.
It’s crazy about pride and bullshit. Please, please, gentlemen scientists, lower your voice. Again. Keep on lower. The fact you know nothing, I can stand, but stop insulting ancestors who necessarily knew much more than you can imagine. And so infinitely longer than you. Which is not a feat.
Other jokers assume that the four hats once belonged to ancient sorcerers, because of their resemblance to the Halloween hats. These chippers have been watching too many alchemist bitos in Mickey Mouse over the centuries. To say that these fake scientists represent the elite of research and teaching. Damn it. Their students must be freaking out.
You can say whatever you want, that stupid thing annoyed me, so I went there. Nothing beats a vintage visit. You can afford that kind of luxury when you know how to move all the time. How do you think I got all the unpublished information that I detail in these pages?
We had fun, we had laugh, we had seasons in the sun
I came here naked, I saw the blunder and I overcame the riddle. I can get dressed. These helmets, as I suspected, are copies. In gold as their models, these copies imitate the form of ancient headgear. The form, not the effect. The ancients wanted by these imitations to pay homage to the former gods whose absence they regretted.
On departure, the gods took away all their precious objects, weapons, crowns, etc., as well as all the technological hardware, which is their professional equipment. These gods are terraformers, planetary planners. What they did here, they do elsewhere. So they leave nothing behind, except in case of conflict. The USA does nothing else in their external interventions. If it gets too hot, we’ll drop the gear.
Why did these peoples reproduce these crowns? So that their king might adorn himself with the authority and power of the former gods. The divine crowns were not mere pieces of metal. Unlike their human reproductions, they had great powers.
The original headgear was quite comparable to the crowns worn by Osiris. These famous crowns are represented on so many frescoes, mosaics, or paintings of ancient Egypt. These complicated crowns seem to play a role in all the scenes where they are present.
They interact between the pharaoh and his entourage, the priests, the initiates, the suppliants, the followers, the people of believers who came to worship the pharaoh, this god living in the Land of Re,the Island of Ré in France was kind of Hyperborean headquarters this King of Men…
Osiris is known for its imposing crowns. In this image, we see him sporting the crown of Atef, imposing headdress in tablets with ram’s horns. Should we see any filiation with the ram god, Rama – Bélénos? In any case, we can guess a technological material. For more information, read The Crowns of Osiris
On the bas-reliefs of the temple of Seti I, at Abydos, Osiris bears various crowns of the most diverse forms. Graham Hancock is surprised: “Such crowns are an essential element of the Pharaohs’ costume. Oddly enough, however, in two centuries of excavations, archaeologists have never found a single royal crown specimen. Not even a fragment, not to mention the convoluted ceremonial headdress associated with the gods of First Time.” (source)
Hancock, a fine fly, always points out aberrations, which makes him precious. He gives few hypotheses, however, and that is unfortunate. In my opinion, these crowns were technological weapons, just like the lightning of Zeus (and not the lightning, see the link article) and many other weapons evoked by many mythologies.
The arsenal of the former gods was truly frightening. Atomic bombs or worse, deadly rays, hail of fire, paralyzing weapons, petrifying radiation, such as those of Sodom that transformed Lot’s wife into a statue of salt.
All the gods and heroes of Hyperborea possessed these technological weapons with very different characteristics and appearances. There is the vajra of Indra, and its bearer the vajrapani, the sword Mjöllnir of Thor that resembles it very much, the howling sword of Lugh, the sword Excalibur of king Arthur, the magic weapon of Cuchulainn, of which he has made such a terrible use.
My Gods, your wars were so gorgeous… Alas! They are just as we are. Like fathers, like sons.
My Gods, your wars were so pretty… Alas! Nothing to laugh about. When we read the old myths, we understand right away that our creators are nothing divine. Rather monstrous in fact. Or to say like Nietzsche, they are human, too human, just as we are. Such fathers, such sons. Besides, Nietzsche did not speak of gods in these terms, but of humans. He wished for the Superhuman, who is not superman but an impeccable warrior. Who makes war only on himself and his faults that prevent him from advancing towards his inner light.
The Great Hypothesis of Slosman : under various names, Jahveh, Zeus, Ptah, Enki are one…
There are many doors to get to other worlds. Sometimes they are visible.
No matter where you are, when you pray to your god, you’ve always look at…
Some nights, you forget who you are. You don’t know the reason of being here…