Who is Mithras? Say, simply put, he is the prototype on which Rome has modeled the imaginary character called Jesus Christ. If the god-man Mithras comes from an ancient legend, his historical existence is attested, unlike that of Jesus. The story of Mithras is well known, as the Gospels tell us verbatim, while attributing it to another.
The true story of Mithras took place 2000 years before JC, so about 4 thousand years ago. Long after, the Roman Empire was brought to invent Jesus Christ -a contemporary of Julius Caesar with the same initials- who lived the very life of Mithras but two millennia later. Why Rome has mounted this huge lie, I have fully explained. The Jesus case is so fraught with consequences, still present, that’s why it is important to come back again and again.
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It turns out that the Mithraic religion was very popular in the Roman Empire, specially since the 3rd century BCE. Under the name of Sol Invictus was an initiatory religion whose aim was enlightenment. The young emperor Heliogabalus, a native of Syria, was one of the devoted followers. He contributed greatly to its introduction in Rome and the empire. Mithraism reached its peak around the 3rd century CE. In Europe and around the Mediterranean basin, there are many temples dedicated to Mithras. They are called mithraeums. Look around, young Europeans and Mediterraneans friends, you will surely find one or two in the surroundings.
Brittany is particularly rich in various traces. A chosen land for the footprints of the multiple cultural and religious currents. The presence of Mithras, too, requires it. I think the Lanleff temple, in Côtes d’Armor, is a genuine mithraeum, a temple to Mithras.
No wonder the strong presence of Mithras in Britain, because if one believes the Gallic tradition, Mithras is a Hyperborean, who came down from the Four Northern Islands, since such is the popular name of the mother ship Hyperborea. Son of God, Mithra came down to earth like Jesus, but Mithra landed on Celtic soil. His Celtic name is Esus, later transformed into Jesus. The Bretons still venerate it under the name of Saint-Yves, or Sant-Erwann. This cult evidence does not prevent specialists from maintaining that the worship of Mithras was brought from the East by the Roman legionaries and by street merchants. (Source)Wikipedia
It is true that a much older god, called Mitra without h, is cited in the Hindu religion as one of the first gods to have trod the soil of the planet Terra. Mitra and Varuna could be the first terraformers, Varuna on the mother ship Hyperborea, Mitra on the artificial island that Plato calls Atlantis. But while the cult of Mithras was partly brought back from Persia, the mystery cult of Esau-Mithra was born 4000 years ago, here in Brittany, before spreading throughout Europe, to Syria and Asia, as will the cult of Jesus 20 centuries later.
Baptistery of Ravenna is linked to the cult of Mithras. Like many other medieval churches. Like many Roman temples. Most medieval religious buildings are not Christians, they are ancient mithraeum Christianized in the 14th century.
The Temple of Mithra, still called London Mithræum is an ancient Roman temple discovered in 1954 by the famous archaeologist WF Grimes during the excavations of a site located in the heart of the City district destroyed during the bombings of the Second World War. (source)
Traces of this cult have since been uncovered in all the ancient provinces of the Empire; in Germania, Norica, Retina, Pannonia, Dalmatia, Syria, Proconsular Africa, Brittany and Gaul. (source)
Before the late invention of Jesus, Mithras was everywhere, in every church or chapel, and each intersection as an ordeal. Yet Mithras, who speaks? Who remembers? Who knows its history, the true sacred history? It’s a safe bet that Mithraism is the religion who built churches and Romanesque crypt. It’s a safe bet that Mithraism is another name of Sol Invictus. It’s a safe bet that Mithras was a contemporary of Rama: he sacrifices a bull – his favorite symbol- now Rama appears at the end of the era of Taurus (or Cow). Mithras can be dated around 2000 BCE, as Rama.
So ?? Is Mithras another name for Rama, another aspect of this multiple demigod? Or was he only part of Rama people, kind of successor, or a general of Rama? His name MITHRA can be read “MYTH (of) RA” or “WITH (MIT in German) RA”. Yes, but MIT HRA can also be read WITH HERA. A man between the women? But Mithra is it only a man? He is represented with a zigounette, but also with nibars. So what ? Another hermaphrodite god ? (source)http://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/religions/article/mithra-est-il-a-l-origine-du-mythe-87254
Is Jesus a pure invention? His historical reality has never been acquired. On the contrary, his similarities with many previous prophets shows how his character was built by the Roman legates. One of this mythical prophets is Mithra, whose life could be located between 2000 and 500 BCE, depending on the sources. Anyway the parallel with Jesus’ life makes you feel dizzy. Mithra was born of a virgin on December 25th. After his birth, Mithra was worshiped by shepherds. He was a great pioneer and an itinerant master. Mithra received the names of the Light, the Truth and the Good Shepherd. He was considered “the Way, the Truth and the Light”. He was also called the “Redeemer”, the “Savior”, the “Messiah”.
He was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb. The transitus (Mithra’s trip with the bull on his shoulders) recalls the Via Crucis of the Gospel story. His sacred day was Sunday, the “Lord’s Day”. He had his principal feast on the date which would then become Easter, corresponding to his resurrection. He had 12 companions or disciples. He performed miracles. He was buried in a tomb. After three days, he stood again.
It is necessary that a new god be inserted in the frame of the previous religion. Thus the followers of the old religion do not find themselves too lost in the new. The passage from one to the other can be carried out smoothly. Often even the god of the old religion becomes the devil for the new. Thus one completes to eradicate the old belief.
The parallel between Mithras and Jesus does not stop at the life of these two Christs. It also touches on doctrine.
His resurrection was celebrated every year. His religion included an Eucharist or “Lord’s dinner”. The words of the Last Supper are those of the followers of Mithras. Mithraism was a religion of salvation: the sacrifice of Mithras has for end the redemption of mankind. The attributes of the pater – or great insider – were the Phrygian cap, the stick and the ring, very similar to the miter, the crosier and the ring of Christian bishops. Note also that the mitraism is associated not only with the shape of the bishops’ miter, but also with its name: miter obviously comes from Mithras.
Originally from Celtia, worship of Esus or Yves has spread from the second millennium BCE throughout Western Europe. Much later, this cult returned from East as Yves / Esus became Mithra. Originally from Persia, the new worship has spread throughout the Roman Empire starting from – 68, and disappeared by the 3rd century AD. Why this disappearance? Because it has been replaced by the Christian religion, copied on his model. The cult of Mithra was named Sol Invictus, the unconquered sun. And his initiate worshipers were the Sons of the Sun.
Please note this fact: Mithras is not the only one whose life and doctrine have been plundered by the Romanor Medieval? legates to build their false Christ. A whole band of demigods and prophets can be considered as potential models of Jesus: Osiris, Enoch, Rama, Apollonius of Tyane, Heliogabalus, Constantine and many others.
In fact, they were all called Christ. That makes traceability impossible. When Emperor Constantine evokes Christ, who is he talking about? Himself or another man? And who, then? The name of Jesus is hardly mentioned. They say Christ, period. Is it Mithras? Constantine? Another one? In any case I doubt that it can be about Jesus, even his name was skillfully added here and there by slipping the letter i before esus. Thus a well-known prophet became iesus, a new one jumping out of the magician hat. Or rather from the cap of Mithras. Which became the miter of the Catholic bishops. The circle is closed
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