Sound And Spirit


Remember the first line of St-John’s gospel: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.” Originally is sound, smart and meaningful sound, i.e. speech or song. Speech plays for sound the same part as laser beam for light. In both cases, the vibration is organized, channeled, meaningful and action starter. 

Modern physics tells us the obvious: any transmission of energy is also a transmission of information. This is true in the field of sound energy as in all others. When you bite an apple, the apple energy nourishes your physical body, while the shape of the apple nourishes your subtle body. You have to remember bitten apple is better than cut apple. If the bottom of the exchange is indeed energy, our subtle body also feeds the shape, color, texture, taste, aroma and a thousand other components. More the food is alive, more the information is rich and valuable. Transformed by industrial processes, it loses all natural quality, and works against the harmony of the subtle body. In a world where material gain or profit of the subtle body or the awakening of the mind dominates not want the industry of the number under the reign of quantity.


Music holds an essential place in the social, political and religious life of ancient Greece. For the Greeks, music is the most beautiful of the arts, at the same time as a science, object of the highest philosophical speculations; in this sense, the Greeks gave it more importance than the major arts that were for them poetry, dance and medicine. The essential role of music in the Greek world appears in many of their myths: that of Orpheus, who succeeds, thanks to his music, in convincing the god of the underworld, Hades, to bring his wife Eurydice back to the light of day, is considered as the founding myth of music; but it is attested especially by numerous literary, papyrological and epigraphic testimonies, by figurative representations on ceramics, by the remains which we have preserved of their stringed, percussion and wind instruments, and by more than fifty of scores.

In the archaic period (from the origins to the sixth century BC), music is practiced only by professional musicians, the aedes and rhapsodes, who declaim myths accompanied by an instrument and transmit the music orally. During the classical period, from the sixth century BC BC in the fourth century BC J. – C., the music beginning to be part of the educational system, is thus more widespread. From that time, musical theory is known from a mathematical and acoustic point of view, thanks to Pythagoras and his disciples. Subsequently, Aristoxène de Tarente confirms the importance of the ear in the perception of sounds. (source)

Music is from all times, from all places. As far back as the memory of the researchers and the peoples goes, we find traces of it: musical instruments, stories, mosaics, frescoes, papyri or decorated vases, the musical iconography of antiquity is much richer than the music proper. Do we know that most of ancient art and science did not survive the fall of the Roman Empire? “The works of several great poets and philosophers of antiquity have totally disappeared, or remain only in the disordered quotations of other authors.” Other aspects of culture had a worse fate: thus, we do not know everything about music played by the trumpets of Jericho From the rich musical legacy of ancient Rome, all that remains is the piece of a single melody This passage was recorded by Gregorio Paniagua, Music of Ancient Greece, Harmonia Mundi 1979 not even not twenty-five seconds. ” (Source) J.M. Greer, Atlantis, a legacy of ancient times, a hidden prophecy, Quebec, 2009

What can be said about primitive music from Africa, America or Asia? We know that they were mainly trance musics, but very clever that can interpret them today. The ancient shamanic music of India and Tibet is of particular interest to me, but how can I hear anything other than discourse and theories? We must go back in time, return to hear these disappeared sounds which still subsist, in a tenuous form, in the immense vibratory catalog which constitutes one of the subtle layers of the terrestrial sphere. The difficulty is to achieve it …


rishi-wkpd-200poBy the third ear, the Rishi hear the RTA, rhythm of the cosmos that pulsates in the harmonious race of the stars. First they translate into sound vibration which exerts its influence on the nature, regulating the succession of the seasons, and inducing rectitude and simplicity among humans.

To achieve this, the the Rishi translate the sound vibration into well clocked versesrik, rig as in Rigveda of Vedic chants. These votive verses are a powerful weapon against the forces of chaos and disorder.

Should we understand the word weapon as a terrorist would mean? I think so. The sound is a weapon, indeed. Some sound frequencies are pathogenic or lethal. Why be surprised? The sound is a wave like any other, more powerful perhaps. Waves can charm, enchant, dazzle, burn, disperse, reduce into ashes. The great Hergé knew it when he imagined a sound to destroy glass in L’affaire Tournesol. The shrill voice that breaks the crystal goblets is well known.

The fundamental sound of our good old earth, I said, is a beautiful F sharp 432. This is both its ultimate and primal scream. It is possible to reproduce this particular sound perfectly. It is possible, by modulating on the right instrument, to find the right wavelength that will annihilate gravity. Oh not much, not very far. Say, make an ashtray take off a few inches above a table, waiting to make the table take off. Just in case you make your house take off, prepare warm clothes. Hyperspace is very cold.

Musically, with regard to the non-artistic uses of modulated sounds, prehistory is an exploratory field even more exciting, but also more inaccessible. Painted caves were temples of initiation where the sound was playing the leading role. Here is the dual basis of the Atlantean Sonology: Auditorium – or temple – must be set to 110 Hz frequency, to put the audience in a state of heightened receptivity. Instruments and voices must set in A-432 Hz and not in A-440 Hz, as is usually the case since a council of morons has decided so, one wonders why. The A-432 Hz frequency is indeed cosmic frequency of light, according to Robert Charroux.

The correct frequency can induced in the listener altered states of consciousness – hallucination, vision, flash, full understanding, etc. – but also rare emotional states – empathy, openness of heart, curiosity, kindness, enthusiasm, etc..  The Atlanteans, heirs of a continuous civilization for a hundred thousand years, mastered these techniques and architectural engineering that result. Hence the effectiveness of their temples and their arches, that still remains active.  I mean rock shelters or painted caves just like cyclopean temples: all these works are of Atlantean origin, in my opinion. I know that this statement will shock more than one prehistoric professional, but I do not care: as soon as we talk to them about Atlantis, we lose all credit in their eyes.

Often in their gross appearance, austere, devoid of ornaments, these pre-ancient temples are super effective. They evoke machines, like the medieval cathedrals. They are built or excavated in the rock, the megalithic temples are remarkable machines Dreaming. We have seen that Gothic cathedrals are also exactly the same nature, using the same energy. No wonder that the two traditions are connected, as I have shown.


Romanesque Crypts



A special mention to the Romanesque crypt worthy enough all the titles given by tradition: holy cave, blessed cavern, mystical matrix, Holy of Holies, kundalini booster, chakras storm, ultimate Shiva temple, place of awakening and effusion, athanor of transfiguration. The crypt brings the benefits of natural cave, including the effect of arch – or spell – combined with a powerful geobiological point marked by a sorcerer, a claivoyant or some other man of subtle powers.

It also provides the strong outpouring of Wyvern that invigorates the body and stimulates the mind … but can ruin the heart.

When I write these lines, the two Romanesque crypt I prefer for the gentle violence of their effects are the crypt of St Benoit sur Loire and the one of Vézelay. I do not doubt that my precious readers will tell me other crypts to discover … my subtle body feels pleased already. If I can go riding in the day, I will go there, I promise.




The first knowledge is the knowledge of my ignorance: it is the beginning of intelligence.