Cronos Aka Cronus
An endless golden age when human life lasted several centuries
An endless golden age when human life lasted several centuries
Here we are waiting to welcome Aquarius era
Emergence of a new way of living, thinking and acting
Time of fighting giants, in the Bronze Age we learned to live without our guardian gods.
It was a time of innocence, of justice, of abundance and happiness
The nostalgia of an ancient past, brighter and magic is a recurrent myth in many traditions
Just a little longer, you’ll see me. Just a little longer, you won’t see me anymore.
Vamos a bailar, it’s time to gloat
When a thick ice sheet covered the half of Europe, Asia and North America
Third part: from the Age of Aquarius to the New Paradigm
Golden Age men worship Mother Earth, Gaïa, Dana, Tiamata the great Goddess