To Bottle Lightning
Try to bottle lightning for the second time. The first time was under Rama’s rule.
Try to bottle lightning for the second time. The first time was under Rama’s rule.
Intelligence everywhere, love and beauty for your plenty and upliftment.
I’ve been given an unpublished text attributed to Rama. Is it genuine? Explanations
Ouroboros was the subject of a lot of delirium. It’s time to show its meaning.
I, Enoch, born Aorn son of Thyan the hunter, I land on the fourth island that is populated by giants.
Ra for the Egyptians, Ram for the Celts, Rama for the Hindus, he was also Bel or Belenos for the Gauls and Belial for the Persians
You, Enoch the Rogue, you have behaved like a boor. I banish you from the living of the gods.
Iahn the Ancestor, the oldest of the four, may have known Rama.
Sol Invictus, so was called the Roman religion which preceded Christianity.
Ancient Celtic texts sing the praises of Rama. Here is the Dit de Marc’h, the king-horse.
The god of the gods, emperor of Terra, the mighty Zeus is summoned by the Great Goddess!
Several continents of ancient times have never been located