Heliogabalus Silly Bouddha
… or the Sacre of the Sun: illuminated by lightning at age 13, Emperor of Rome at age 14, murdered at 18
… or the Sacre of the Sun: illuminated by lightning at age 13, Emperor of Rome at age 14, murdered at 18
Enoch lives no longer, the Goddess is deferring her love to a young ephebe.
Young Idriss makes a meeting that will mark his life forever.
Isis and her lover love each other, and the murderous ephebe remembers Enoch
Words describe other words, although awakening is… er… What shall I say?
O Isis, O lightning that turns into god, extend your blessing on your planet Earth.
Devil or goddess Astarte Ishtar Inanna presides pleasures of love
Still in the Multifold, I’m facing the most incredible encounters
It was through her that we have an immortal soul. A big-up for the nice Athena!