A Short History of Spirit: the Dawn
First part : from Shamanism to Moses
First part : from Shamanism to Moses
Vulture Snake, Feathered Snake, the Beast : many names for the primordial Serpent
The Virgin Mary would be Isis, Joseph would be Osiris, and the baby Jesus would be the little Horus
Fear looks like ego. As long as you are alive, you cannot get rid of them totally …
First wife of Adam, Lilith is not derived from him, but his equal and rebellious.
Ana awakens to love. Powerful and gentle, wherever she goes, the light goes with her.
The Sleeping Beauty syndrome is the pleasant nickname of the arcanum XIII of the Tarot of Marseilles
Sol Invictus, so was called the Roman religion which preceded Christianity.
In the beginning you were O Goddess. You carry within you all the living
Egyptians called her Isis, Greeks called her Athena. She is the Great Goddess
The great figures of the Egyptian Pantheon Isis and Osiris were black and came from Atlantis
Isi, Osiris and Horus made the pattern of Christian Holy Trinity