The Gnosis and the Arts
They come from literature, comics, pop, what runs, which vibrates and makes grow.
They come from literature, comics, pop, what runs, which vibrates and makes grow.
I’m not doing anything. I’m waiting for it to happen. And it happens every time.
King Solomon was introduced to the high magic – or not?
We have several lives and several bodies: at least eight. Only one is visible: the physical body.
Spells, curses, magic spells make a perennial pool of beliefs
Magic and science are not only compatible, they are complementary.
When logical thinking skips in front of everyday magic
Magic! The big word is out. I’m fond of it, but it scares a lot of people.
In our Western culture, the temple of temples is the Temple of Jerusalem built by Solomon
When Jesus recognized that one should beware of magicians, did he mean the archons?
Wisp, wise and mad, he surely was the most singular thinker of the 20th century.
Here are a few tips to make your conscious astral flight a success, and go further.