Amarnath Pilgrimage
Amarnath is the sacred cave from which Shiva created the world. A lingam of ice testifies…
Amarnath is the sacred cave from which Shiva created the world. A lingam of ice testifies…
I see humans watching the Big Bang. They made it. They look like brothers to us.
Serious evidences suggested that the ancient gods mastered nuclear fission.
The flood brought Manu, who is both the Hindu Adam and Noah, to a familiar adventure.
Without Shakti, who is Shiva? Without Shiva, who is Shakti?
Are the gods men like the others? It seems like.
Climbing to the eternal snow without equipment, you got to be young …
Many ancient heroes have lost their lives, Eve, Gilgamesh, Rama, Cuchulainn, Enoch, Perceval and many others … They wanted to unravel the mysteries of the gods.
The arrival at the sacred cave of Shiva the Father is an awesome experience.
Archaic Indian culture and ours share a common heritage, according to Daniélou
Revolutionary symbol, her Phrygian cap was once that of Mithras
The Great Spirit is in all things, and everything is in the Spirit, say the Native Americans.