A White Banquet
Blanc-mange for white dwarves in a whitewashed room
Blanc-mange for white dwarves in a whitewashed room
Do not be too eager that the gods come back, it will not be good for us
Climbing to the eternal snow without equipment, you got to be young …
Prehistoric caves and medieval cathedrals have a singular common point
This arcane knows what it doesn’t want anymore, but it doesn’t know what it wants
Where does this catching voice come from? Where does this science come from?
The aura is the spirit. The interface between the aura and the body is my subject today.
In Finnish mythology, Väinämöinen is a bard, a storyteller of legends.
A modified planet is a wild planet made habitable to humanlike species
Rational mind and wild mind, right side and left side, tonal and nagual.
I hate traveling and explorers, wrote the great traveler explorer Claude Lévi-Strauss
Each human being is a physical counterpart of an immortal, probably eternal soul.