Iron Age
Here we are waiting to welcome Aquarius era
Here we are waiting to welcome Aquarius era
Egyptians called her Isis, Greeks called her Athena. She is the Great Goddess
From the union of angels and women were born cruel hybrids with ferocity of beasts, called Nephilim
The true odyssey was not that of Ulysses, invention of Homer, but of Ram or Rama, the Atlantean ram
The story of Nibiru is pure bullshit as many hoaxes and fakes blocking the web
The Second Atlantis was found at bottom of North Sea
Old Plato drove crazy generations of students about a matter he didn’t get
According to the Hopis we are entering the Fifth World. The Ancient Greeks and Asians said the same
Ancient Greeks say Age Of Heroes. Anceint Hebrews say Age Of Patriarchs
The sudden gravity forced the giants to leave Earth and create a smaller race
From strength to softness, this is the first lesson of Rama
Nibiru is the name the Anunna gave their wandering planet.