Mythical or Logical
Rational mind and wild mind, right side and left side, tonal and nagual.
Rational mind and wild mind, right side and left side, tonal and nagual.
I hate traveling and explorers, wrote the great traveler explorer Claude Lévi-Strauss
Each human being is a physical counterpart of an immortal, probably eternal soul.
The branes, the brane worlds, here is the latest theory of astrophysicists.
Several continents of ancient times have never been located
Potato Hot, yo, like a French fries stall. Hot as embers, the blessed beggar.
The French word Dieu comes from the Greek Theos. But the word God / Gott – where does it come from?
Louis Aragon had a profound influence on the teenager that I was … and that I still remain.
Our designers travel to the galactic center to achieve the status of Creator gods
Our senses don’t fool us, but our brain and its damn programs.
Ancient Celtic texts sing the praises of Rama. Here is the Dit de Marc’h, the king-horse.
Merlinade? The word comes from Merlin. It means play a joke. A strange joke …