Who Am I?
Who are you? How did you get so much relevant information?
Who are you? How did you get so much relevant information?
Pater Noster should have stayed in Latin. Nobody understood.
Warriors of light, we act without knowing each other. But we know who we are.
Ar Gorn the Perfect proposes to build an underwater island to survive the flood
There is no time, no space. And despite that, the Unique has split.
Cuchulainn, Enki, Rama and Prometheus, the four sons of Lugh are the founders of our modern societies
You fall asleep and the next moment you wake up. The night passes without you.
The teaching of a nagual is not understandable. It does not address the mind, it snubs it.
Those who bother me are removed. Conversely, my helpers are rewarded.
Sometimes here, sometimes there, the spirit incarnates. The 5th century BCE is an exceptional vintage.
Like Juan Matus, and well before I read Castaneda, I followed a path with a heart.
I am attached to Mithra, believe me, by a strong bond that is not about to let go.