The Templars’ Treasure



Officially, the Order of the Temple disappeared when the last Grand Master of the Temple, Jacques de Molay, perished at the stake. But was he really the last grand master?

Before Molay died, he confided to his faithful lieutenant task to shelter the colossal fortune accumulated over two centuries.

So begins the epic of Templars’ gold.

Get back to the carriages packed with gold leaving Paris by road west. Shooting ahead, seizing horses in all of the command posts, they reached La Rochelle. Arrived safely, the contents of the trucks was transshipped to La Destinée, a ship of 300 tons, bound for distant lands from overseas. A month later, La Destinée moored in Mexico.

 The gold was unloaded and handed over to the local potentate. The Indians attaching no particular value to gold, they looked at this treasure without covetousness. Conveyed through the Pacific Ocean to the Andes with the help of some Templars, the treasure was melted down to form a huge solid gold chain, each link weighing four hundred pounds. To move it, it took no less than 500 men doped with ayahuasca. The chain was placed around the temple of Viracocha at Tihuanaco.

After the dissolution of the order, the Knights Templars found refuge in Portugal. While the journeymen craftsmen and image-makers took refuge in Italy, where they invented the Renaissance a century before the rest of Europe. Under the name of Quattrocento, Italian Renaissance started in the 15th century, when the rest of Europe was ablaze in the convulsions of the Hundred Years War. It was not until the 16th century that started the French Renaissance… which imported craftsmen and artists from Italy in large numbers!




Before embarking on the great journey, Chritopher Colombus stopped at La Rochelle. His route is not so odd considering the fact La Rochelle was the first Templar port to America. Colombus went there to take Templar cards and -by chance- a descendant of the last pilot who knew the Atlantic route. Colombus’ mission was clear: go to Mexico and trace the gold of the Temple ; if possible, recover ; if not, hide the gold. As we know, he failed in this mission.

A few decades later, another Templar expedition was sent to Mexico. The conquistador Hernan Cortes reached the land of the Aztecs.

He defeated Montezuma, plundered its capital Teotihuacan, but did not find the Golden Temple. A few years passed, and another expedition was mounted by the Templars, the last that could finance. Led by Pizarro, its goal was the route to the Andes, the Peruvian Altiplano, Lake Titicaca and the giant gold necklace. More fortunate than Cortes, Pizarro was on the verge of success. Alas, a few hours before his arrival, the last Inca troops dragged out the heavy chain to the lake where it sank at once.




Lake Titicaca is very deep and dark. Captain J-Y Cousteau has dipped and tried to recover the treasure of the Incas. Others have tried before. In vain. From three meters deep, despite the waterproof projectors, divers cannot see their hands through a mud curtain. Today the Templars’ gold sinks deeper into the thick mud that lines the bottom of the largest lake in the Andes, 9,840 feet above the sea level. Not far away lie the docks Tiahuanaco, where the Atlantis’ survivors started a new world, ours.

The sacred construction of the pre-flood people, thanks to the Temple, has flourished again in the land of Europe. Secrets forgotten for millennia have resurfaced through him. The Templars have not only invented the modern era, banking, health care, travel tours, they have not only built these wonderful halls of heaven with their towers, their foothills and arrows, they have not only reopened the route to the Americas, they were able to cross the door of time. That is why they are called, in the language of goslings,

the Knights of the Folded Time.A joke lost in translation. In French, Temps plié = Templiers.

Mad not to find gold in the Temple, Philip the Fair proceeded with the elimination of any vestige of the powerful Order. But the Temple was the order. Its sudden disappearance would plunge France and Europe in a terrible chaos. On the disorganized country have befallen a litany of wars, famines and robberies that seemed to have no end. For the people stupefied by fear and hunger, this endless period of trouble seemed a single war, meaner and longer than others.




“It lasted, they say, a hundred years” (?)François Bourgeon, The Curse of the Wood Mist


Time is an obstinately persistent illusion.
Albert Einstein