The Seven Elohim
There are seven Gods in seven Heavens as there are seven Chakras
There are seven Gods in seven Heavens as there are seven Chakras
The different music instruments for trance and dance in early Egypt
25.000 tablets gathered all the knowledge of ancient Babylon.
Fifth humanity, the iron race with the heart of stone, the inhuman race of ours
Cyclopean constructins would not be stone, but molded cement
The Sufi teaching rejects systems that apply the same exercises to all students
A knight in armor displaying the colors of his Queen of Hearts on his lance
Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, Robert Schoch, Anthony West and Colin Reader vs Zahi Hawass, the first round.
The Atlanteans had planned the Apocalypse. Powerless, thousands of them were killed by the tsunami.
We have Neanderthal genes. Did he appear before or after us?
Genetics could be wrong, Evolutionism too: Neandertal is alive
Tesla wanted to transmit Vril energy by waves. The project is back.