King Menelik Of Ethiopia
The Queen of Sheba gave King Solomon a son called Menelik
The Queen of Sheba gave King Solomon a son called Menelik
The point of view of the Old seers and the New seers
Access to the astral plane opens after Arcane XIII, at Arcane XIV Temperance
Like Hinduism, Judaism and others, the religion of ancient Celts came from Atlantis.
The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle
The 2nd cycle came to an end: a new astral adventure begins
Did Merlin live in the Middle Ages or did he belong to the Bronze Age, like Gandalf?
Hurry up, eat on the grass, some day the grass will eat on you.
Controlled madness is the middle way between pure reason and total madness.
Astral Flyers, keep an eye out, and the good one. The third.
Become what you are, says Socrates. Be what you become. How many stumble! How many fail!