Lucifer Christ
Rose-fingered dawn, pale and quiet Moon, Lucifer shines in the sky like a good Lord
Rose-fingered dawn, pale and quiet Moon, Lucifer shines in the sky like a good Lord
It is our own light that frightens us most, says Nelson Mandela… or Marianne Williamson?
Ar Gorn the Perfect proposes to build an underwater island to survive the flood
Imagine a mould to make humans. We know the shape of this mould.
I’ll ask myself still when the time of my death comes. The time of my death… (Polnareff)
Just a little longer, you won’t see me any more. A lovely word attributed to Jesus.
Humans have a special connection with animals, why? How did domestication started?
The origin of all mankind must be sought in regions near the North Pole.
The god who carried the Earth at its best level
Kant said : Logic has come achieved and accomplished from the mind of Aristotle.
The Sumerian tradition tells the original story of Noah and his ark: a settling of scores between the gods
Like the former gods did with us, we are about to create intelligent life. Will it be?