Immanuel Kant


The dawn of the official history is replete with ready-made civilizations with a high degree of culture and development but without any past nor evolution. Who could admit that a sophisticated and refined civilization can emerge from nothing? Historians. And Immanuel Kant.

Why deny the obvious? Many civilizations have preceded ours. We are dwarfs on the shoulders of giants. Regarding the creation of man whose myths are about, it has not been made ex nihilo, from nothing. Our creators had good grounding for the creation of man, at least according to the sacred texts, which are all bottles with messages in the ocean of time. So what was this good grounding to create Man? Simply the preexisting genetic inheritance, that was just modified by them. The DNA of the Elohim or the Anunna.

Nothing is created from scratch. Does this mean that the former men have not been created, like we have? Are they, as claimed by the theory of evolution, the final outcome of a long evolution that goes back to amoeba? Or are they, as told by the esoteric tradition, beings of light materialized by their own intention? “Before being born of woman, we have come from light, from the place where light is born of its own will, and the light is reflected through us.” (source)The Manuscripts of Nag Hammadi, tome 1, by James Robinson 


Settling this difficult question would make us go back too far in the past, since, according to the most recent archaeological and palaeo-anthropological discoveries, the origin of the so-called modern human species would easily go back to one million years ago. Some artifacts would even date back to dinosaurs! As for the sudden appearance of advanced civilizations suddenly sprung from a sea of primitive savagery, who could believe in it?

Who could? The philosopher Immanuel Kant. Very seriously, as usual, this venerable german thinker said: “Logic has come achieved and accomplished from the mind of Aristotle.” It is true that the Greek thinker is the father of both logic and metaphysics. In any case, it was given his name. Since the treaty came after his work on physics, Aristotle called it “which comes after physics.” He did not name it according to the decreasing order of his best treaties, but to the order in which he wrote them.

This does not mean Aristotle has invented this discipline. He simply rediscovered it It is the same for logic. Today, we see him as the oldest author in this field. But that does not mean he was the first. The ancient Greeks did not come straight from caves and monkeys climbing trees. There were many civilizations before them, even though we forgot them nowadays. Logic has been identified and understood by humans long before ancient Greece. It founded mathematics, therefore architecture… 

Without logic, how could they have built the pyramids, for example? How could they have directed them so perfectly? How could they have respected such an impressive regularity in their construction?

Without logic, how could anyone cut complex blocks with multiple edges so that they fit perfectly? Before the art of carving, stone masons must practice the art of the line, which consists in drawing the stone from all angles, with absolute precision: this track becomes the bible of carving. The art of the line requires a logical mind, it existed long before Aristotle.

“These are not the beings that actually exist, but the ideas,” said Marcel Proust. The idea of logic was there before the Greek brain who found it. It is as old as language. Assuming that Aristotle did not read anything on this issue, heard nothing neither in the Celt nor in the Egyptian traditions, so he picked up the whole matter in the general store called Akashic Records, which is another way to designate inspiration. You can also say that it comes from the Muses. Or, in the language of Nagual, that it is a gift of Energy coming through Will.

You can also say that it is imagination that gives us a helping hand to shuffle the deck. However you say it, it is a fact. Man is, at best, a channel through which are embodied the Dream and the past of mankind. Each of us is inspired by precursors, Aristotle does not escape the rule. Neither does Kant. Really? But God created man ex nihilo, from nothing. Bullshit! He has only manipulated his own DNA a bit to shape a body similar to Him. “God created man in His image.” But if you mean the Source, it is Pure Light manifested by its own will. It sparkles in the heart of everything and its kingdom will have no end.

Without the Source, there would be nothing. But without anything, the Source remains.

Lao Surlam

Nothing Comes From Nothing

However, Athena … What’s wrong with Athena? She came fully armed out of Zeus’ head. Achieved and accomplished, she was. With her helmet and her aegis. Talk about painless childbirth! Athena is the proof that you can be born out of nothingness. Wait, you are mistaken. Athena was born by cloning. She was born adult. That is what ‘fully armed’ means from the artificial matrix. And Zeus is not the progenitor, but the brilliant geneticist who created this wonderful creature.


Because Athena found the perfect gift : thanks to her, a divine light shines on human beings. Thanks to Athena, we may develop this divine ability. What was not expected… 

Some may consider that in a text about Kant, praising an ancient Greek goddess like Athena is quite irrelevant. Others have already forgotten that I’m talking about Kant. Those who came here only for a particular image do not care about Athena or Kant. As for the last ones, who entrust me, they know that if the road winds, it is because the slope is steep. They know that sooner or later they will be able to see the entire landscape, still hidden by the bends. And they know that they know, as everybody: it is our scientific name. Behind his false look of robot, even Kant was a man like others. I mean with the normal type of brain.

Thus he can, as every one of us, choose his destiny. He may focus on a particular aspect, such as logical thinking for Kant, to the detriment of all others. For all men do not take advantage of the wonderful gift of Athena. How many of them are blinkered? How many of them do, as Immanuel Kant, the same walk from home to work every day of their lives, at the same time, like a robot? No dreaming, no thinking, no inner life…Those ones would not know what to do with a soul, if by chance they found one inside of them.

Existence blows up every system.

Soeren Kierkegaard

Kant studied at the School of Königsberg, and then at the university of Königsberg, which is in the same buildings, before becoming a professor of this university. That means, all his life, he has traveled the same route every morning and evening, with such a regularity that people set their watches when they saw him: “Here is Mr. Kant already! It is six five!”



Twice, however, he missed the ritual: in 1762 at the time of the publication of the Social Contract, by Jean-Jacques RousseauHe loved this author and was able to get a copy of his masterpiece which he devoured. and thirty years later, in 1792, on the day of the victory of the French army at ValmyThat is a heavy defeat for the Prussians..

Strange to see this great thinker walled in the solitude of cogito worrying about political events. This is the behavior that Nietzsche deplored among philosophers, to meddle in issues which trouble common minds. Yet the rigorous Immanuel Kant is not a philosopher of garbage funds as there are so many.

This great thinker, though entrenched in an ivory tower of loneliness and logic, was yet a moralist. Through this way, a shy glimmer of soul shines at the bottom of his heart. A glimmer which can maybe shatter all categories? It is believed when he wrote:

“There are two indisputable things,
the starry sky above my head
and morals in my heart”

Indisputable? Is the starry sky anything but a fake ? After all, we only walked on the moon, for now. Images have come to us from Mars thanks to the courageous Rover, but must we believe the images? Ancient and classical philosophers had this common defect: to limit doubt to the realm of uncertainty. You have to doubt the certain, too. It may be part of the Plan. In the certain lies the key of the fake. The reverse of the bogus decor. The proof of the vast comedy.

And DieuGod in all this? He is a man like the others. His name comes from the Greek Theos. Which is also translated by Zeus. Thunder of Zeus! He was missing only him. Behind his fierce air, a shy boy is hidden, a complexed kid, always put back in place by his fierce wife, the great goddess Hera, He Ra. The real boss. The Matriarch.

And Ra? Bah! He’s Rama. He pilots the whole thing in the shadows. He is so much in the shadows that three continents have forgotten him, who has reigned over the world.

We know Nils Holgersson and Niels Bohr. Holgersson was an aviator, Bohr was an inflator.
Lao Surlam