Brittany Fairies
Margot Hood and Morgan of the Coast are the two types of Britanny fairies
Margot Hood and Morgan of the Coast are the two types of Britanny fairies
In the privacy of Celtic fairies, a magical journey for the heart, body and spirit
Did Merlin live in the Middle Ages or did he belong to the Bronze Age, like Gandalf?
King Arthur and Merlin have left many traces in the language and culture of France
Merlin’s laugh is not mocking, sly, or hurtful. It’s a seer’s laugh.
As he approached his seventies, Merlin stopped playing the magician for Arthur
Percival was a young peasant when he discovered chivalry
Doue da bardonou an Anaon! May God forgive the dead!
The conception of the Britons’ other world is unique: the dead and the living are not separated.
Keugant, the world of gods – Abred, the world of men – Gwenwed, the white world, paradise
Four yuga, four ages separate and multiply mankind. Four races, four bridges between heaven and earth
The flood brought Manu, who is both the Hindu Adam and Noah, to a familiar adventure.