Your Death For Advisor
The ordinary man thinks himself immortal. The warrior takes his death for advice.
The ordinary man thinks himself immortal. The warrior takes his death for advice.
Many christs were known long before Jesus. Esus is one.
Living words of my deceased friend Jean-Claude Devictor aka Devic
Intra-galactic trip or journey to the hereafter? Your turn to judge.
We flew all night, in the morning the wolf did not eat us.
Initiation? It is leaving this world of miseries to choose the other world
There are powerful points, overloaded with vril, where miracles happen
He was and will stay my best friend. Here a few words to remember.
The diktat of “be available” poisons the life of the warrior of light
Our body is wrapped and protected by several subtle bodies
Once and for all I do not heal. Do not write to me for that!
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