The Throne Of Zeus


Son of Zeus and Zeus himself, Apollo took this title by succeeding his father Zeus 1st on the throne of Olympus – not Mount Olympus in Greece but the real, original, Mount Olympus in Hyperborea. Torn from limbo for your edification, here is the forgotten story of the reign of Apollo.

The image we have of him through the accounts of Greek mythology are very incomplete. So I went to see there and at the time to bring you this useful additional information. And I realized that mythology was not wrong all the way. It has retained the main features of the original. Here they are: “Apollo, in Greek mythology, is the god of solar clarity, of reason, of the arts and more precisely of music and poetry. He is also a god of light, harmony, the oracle … a god of purifications and healing, but can bring the plague with his bow. He is also god of light, of harmony, of the oracle …(source)

My discoveries in situ and, so to speak, in vivo, in immersion, allowed me to draw this portrait of him which is quite similar to the mythological description. Make way for the great spectacle of our past.


Solar Clarity

Two qualities earned him this title. Apollo is Son of the Sun. Her skin glows in the dark, and even in broad daylight, the radiance of her inner light is resplendent. So much for its appearance. On the behavior side, Apollo refuses all the secrecy, conspiracies and traps that characterized the reign of Zeus. He is a fan of transparency.

Obsessed by the negative image that his father the great Zeus left in people’s heads, Apollo exposes his intentions, his projects, even if humans do not believe them. From the beginning of his reign, he indicates the cause for which he will fight: the well-being of humans. The latter, skeptical, shrug their shoulders. They are disgusted with everything, and first of all with politics, gods and rumors.

Still, Zeus Apollon plays beautiful music. It is quite reasonable, in any case he says so. Mistrust ! The gods are so liars! Nevertheless, it diffuses a very pretty light. You never see him angry. Let’s wait to see if he’s like his father.


The Healing God

Apollo is a healing god, like most Olympians. Armed with his bow, he can heal or make sick, it depends. It is not an ordinary bow, as you might expect. The object has only very vaguely the shape of an arc, but for lack of another word, the old Greeks named it thus.

We have seen in detail the fetish weapons of each of the gods before. They are not weapons per se, but tools that can heal, injure or kill. The prototype is Indra’s vajra, which hurts with the tips apart, but which no longer hurts when they are close together. It is then the vajra of Buddha.

There is also the ax of Thor, called Mjöllnir. It has the same function as the vajra: to hurt or heal. Greek mythology mentions other magic weapons: the lightning of Zeus and his aegis which he willingly lends to his daughter Athena. Let me add the Orpheus lyre, the crowns of Osiris, the xiuhcoatl of Quetzalcoatl, the magic weapon of Cuchulainn, the howling sword of Lugh and even Excalibur of King Arthur or Durandal of Roland, the nephew of Charlemagne.



In the case of Apollo, it is his lyre that is magic. The harmonies it distills soothe heated spirits, cools bile and purifies black blood. The divine Apollo never uses it to kill or to hurt, because it is naturally gentle and compassionate. Every morning on the acropolis or the forum, he heals dozens of sick people, reduces broken limbs, erases wounds, repairs broken hearts, treats illnesses, brings peace and serenity to everyone. The crowd of the sick and the destitute crowds more and more every day around the luminous silhouette of the musician god.
Sad end of reign

To show that he has nothing to do with his exploitative father, Apollo puts forward his old friendship with Prometheus, creator of our species, and has always been the protector of men.

This too mental calculation will be fatal to him. His political opponents spread dangerous noises. If Prometheus is indeed the protector of men, if he is their genetic father, then he must be released. It must be given full powers. Apollo is not legitimate, it is Prometheus who must wear the crown of Zeus Jupiter.

Humans, always ready to fret, find the opportunity too good. They jump on it like one man. Just the day before, they cared about Prometheus as if they were in a bad mood. But tonight, they are miles and hundreds on the street, holding up signs in praise. They go on strike in factories, fields, mines and labs. Everywhere it disengages, reason fails, the planet derails, humans are scattered.

The ephemera, as Zeus called us, would never have dared to fuck such a mess in the days of the Father, Zeus the master of lightning, the violence of thunder, the power of lightning, the fury of anger. Zeus would never have tolerated it. Thousands would have been killed before it calmed down. But there, no. Apollo does not flinch. What is he waiting for? His destiny. He takes his lyre and plays such airy melodies, so sweet songs, celestial arias, while the street ignites so quickly and so strongly.

A raging crowd is a torrent of lava that spares nothing and no one. People in the crowd lose their reason, their common sense, their love for others, all their values. Each of them becomes the claws and fangs of an insatiable monster, driven by revenge, armed with anger. The reign of Apollo ends in frightful jolts, against the backdrop of cities in flames and broken children.

Apollo the Just whose light is so beautiful dreamed of bringing relief to his fragile subjects. It has plunged humanity into one of the worst disasters it has ever experienced, it which has known some dantesques.

Disliked by everyone, abandoned by his own people, Apollo hits rock bottom. Even her sister Athena no longer dares to defend herself. His lyre is no longer enough to calm the populace. He will not be saved except in the last minute intervention by the black guards of the Palace, who allow him to escape popular revenge by sneaking into a secret tunnel.

However, despite his flight, Apollo is still Zeus, the Great God reigning on Earth and on Hyperborea, the wandering planet called Nibiru by the Sumerians.

Athena pushes her brother to abdicate in favor of Prometheus. It was Hera who drew that. Zeus’ widow wants to marry Prometheus. With her help, she wishes to reestablish the matriarchy.

Or according to their Sumerian names, Ninhursag pushes Enlil to abdicate in favor of Enki. It’s Ana who wove this. Anu’s widow wants to marry Enki. With her help, she wishes to reestablish the matriarchy.

Patience. I will tell you about this episode soon.

The birds have their nest, the wolves have their lodging, but the son of Man has not even a stone to lay his head.
Jesus Christ