Decipher Hieroglyphs
Erhard Landmann deciphered hieroglyps as you read comics
Erhard Landmann deciphered hieroglyps as you read comics
The true meaning of the Bible’s ten commandments
An Assyrian relief displays flying giants
Ramman was worshipped throughout the Middle East and beyond
The wandering people, but also the hero who leads his army to conquer the world.
Lilith was the first human and she was taught by wise snakes
Our descendants will be forever free, or eternal robots
Perun is the Slavic god of thunder. But he is much more than this.
Give the flower, not the plant
The civilization was global. Pyramids are found in China, Japan, Indonesia.
Lightning is a way of awakening, and tin is connected to it
Tantra and sacred sex are true ways to enlightenment