Christ Imperator Constantine



In the fourth century, a visionary megalomaniac has absolute power over nearly all the known world. By using millions of sesterces, he covered Europe with temples dedicated to his worship. His name? Constantine the Christ Emperor.

Emperor Constantine had the title Christos or Christ. There is a chance that this emperor has been the one and only christ at the origin of Christianism, according to the possible hypothesis that Jesus was not a real historic person.

 “The Emperor Constantine (306-337), after his victory at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge over Maxentius in 312 (1065 AUC) completely changed the face of the Roman Empire.

Following his victory, he affixed on the shield of his legionaries his new symbol, the chrism, composed of the two Greek letters Khi (X) and Rho (P), the initials of the word Christos, meaning “anointed”, “which received the holy anointing by God”.

Subsequently, the chrism became the symbol of the Roman legions.


In 313 (1066 AUC) Constantine promulgated the Edict of Milan, allowing freedom of worship to all citizens of the Empire.

Our Christians, enemies of the Empire, could from now on freely practice their meetings and the translations of the Septuagint into Latin increased.

Constantine, by promoting harmony in the Empire around the one god, thus silenced all seditions. In 321 (1074 AUC), Constantine imposed the Sunday rest, by the name of “venerable day of the Sun”.


Sol Invictus was therefore still the cult of the Empire…


Sol Invictus

 In 324 (1078 AUC) Constantine moved his capital to the East in the city of Byzantium, and renamed it Constantinople.

In 325 (1079 AUC) occured the Council of Nicaea.

According to tradition, at the end of this council, Constantine and his new churchéglise in french (from the Latin ecclesia = meeting) assimilated the monotheistic principles of the Manicheans and Christians to the cult of Sol Invictus and created the new religion (from the Latin religio = respect, cult, worship) of the Emperor-Christ, son of the one god.

 The Christian religion christianized itself and thus became a Greek religion (O christianismos), that is to say, the cult of Constantine, the sole representative of the One God in his empire in the process of unification. This recalled to scholars of the worship promulgated once to the glory of Alexander the Great.” (source)From the site “Critical history of roman christianism”

More likely, the Council of Nicaea, which was the assembly of the Emperor, established the new official dogma of the Roman Empire: the worship of the Emperor-Christ in replacement of Sol Invictus.


Houses of the Emperor

The construction of basilicas (from the Greek basileus, emperor), the houses of the Emperor dedicated to Christ, serving as court, place of business, walkways, assembly, etc.. is increasing throughout the Empire. A curiosity has to be noted: “Eusebius of Caesarea, by his “Life of Constantine”, contributed much to the deification of the latter who until the end of the Romanesque period (12th century) was honored as the founder of the Catholic Church.

Many Romanesque churches, in Poitou Charentes, Alpes de Haute Provence etc., bear above their porches, through which crowds circulated, imposing equestrian statues called Constantines.” (source)From the site “Critical history of roman christianism”




Constantine would thus be honored by the Christian church for nearly 800 years!

Does not it seem rather obvious that the Romanesque churches were dedicated to Constantine because they were built in his time?” Indeed, it is common sense.


Fomenko and recentism

This declaration of a brave and honest female historian is in line with the thesis of Fomenko, the recentism.

According to Fomenko, the Middle Ages as we know has never existed.

It was made in the thirteenth centuryIn the current falsified comput, it is the thirteenth century AUC – ab urbe condita – ie after the founding of Rome. In fact it only happens three centuries after Constantine and the construction of cathedrals. in Avignon by the Roman legates to justify a more important invention they had to do: inventing a religion.

Why the hell do such a thing? I explained it above, but the question is important. A terrible plague had ruined Europe.

The survivors were only a handful, the central power totally disorganized had to face a first emergency: to discipline a little all those barbarian Mad Max who fleeced, robbed, raped, burned what was left of human in the landscape. Rome still had the money and the material power, but its spiritual and moral power was completely disintegrated. The hundreds of temples dedicated to Constantine could not be used for anything, they became dens of robbers.


The Christ Emperor




The religion invented by the Christ Emperor could no longer seduce these thieves and these scoundrels, lots of good-for-nothing having seen it all before. So to save what remained of the Empire from an assured disappearance, it was urgent to rely on love, kindness, forgiveness, generosity, hope, charity, the certainty of a better world after this hell on earth that Europe had become.

That’s why the Roman legates invented the baby Jesus. Invented, incidentally, that’s saying a lot…

The composers of Christianity took over many elements of Mithraism, the ancient religion of Mithra; and many elements of Judaism, the expectation of the Messiah, the parables of Enoch; a little of the mysteries of Isis, the redemption by the divine grace; a little of Sol Invictus, the former official religion inaugurated in Rome by Heliogabalus and taken up by Constantine. The fathers of the church tossed all that with intelligence, and have told us the wonderful story of a Savior who would have come among the distant Jews seven centuries before. Si non e vero e bene trovate…

In Côtes d’Armor, Brittany, a charming village is called Lanleff. There a curious ancient temple is found, attributed to the Romans. Circular with massive pillars, semicircular arches and a gallery that was covered, this building clearly reminds  Roman architecture.

Imagine that in the same village, in other times, the father of Emperor Constantine was stationed. Could this small temple which puzzles historians be the missing link between Roman and Romanesque? Everything is possible in a Celtic land, and Armor is my garden.





Each has its own beliefs, and the sacred cows will be well guarded. Our ancestors swallowed everything. They swallowed snakes with the ease of a snake charmer at the square Djema-el-Fnah in Marrakech. For centuries, all these texts remained locked in libraries strictly protected by the Holy See. Until the invention of typography around 1440, all writings were copied by copyists. Monks, most often.  In their convent they copied what the superior told them to copy, omitting and adding what he told them. The control of the Catholic Church was almost total for a long time.

A host of bogus anecdotes, full of errors and anachronisms, were added by the copyists. It was counting without the web, without the planetary dissemination of all the texts that were once inaccessible. And to correct the course.

I am a mythologist and philosopher. As a friend of wisdom, I take a critical look at all mythologies: is it true? Is it distorted? Is it exaggerated? For what reasons? My work has no other purpose than to face the naked truth — if such a thing does exist! “With a critical eye and a mind free of everything a priori. That is why many of you read me.” Your convictions are yours. They help you to live, far from me the idea of dynamiting them, from the ancient Greek dunamos, which means angel.

Let this not prevent believers from believing, nor the unbelievers from not believing. All beliefs deserve respect, although I prefer to align myself with my eternal principle of uncertainty, choosing to believe without believing.


In addition to this article, do not miss to read Christ Imperator Constantine.


Let’s live every day as if it were the last. Because one day it will be true.
Woody Allen