Cheikh Anta Diop has returned the pharaohs to Africa! On February 7, 1986 died the Senegalese historian, whose 100 years will be celebrated on December 29, 2023. What remains of the thought of this pioneer of decolonization of history and revaluing of African historical narration?
“Pharaonic Egypt is an African civilization, developed in Africa by Africans”: what seems obvious today – except, perhaps, for Nicolas Sarkozy and his negroes – has long been kept silent, even openly denied by the egyptology developed in European laboratories. We owe it to the scientist, historian, anthropologist and politician Cheikh Anta Diop to have given back to Africa what belongs to Africa. (source)
That’s what Young Africa magazine wrote in 2023. I’m afraid the evidence is not one.
More than half a century after the death of Sheikh Anta Diop, what has changed in the white history written by whites? Nothing at all. African Africa always stops at the land of the pharaohs. We like to evoke the white Cleopatra, a Greek pharaoh of decadent Egypt, as the white model of an eternal Egypt, a country whose culture, knowledge and art are too important to be the fruits of negritude. This founding culture can only come from a white race, very white, whitest.
For years, I was one of the only white-ass to affirm the pre-eminence of the black culture, the superiority of its past and the elevation of its beliefs. I am one of the few authors to shout it out loud — at least the only author in a site that reaches a wide audience: since its creation in 2008, Eden Saga has welcomed 6 million visitors spread over 170 countries.
Eden Saga is proud to support this noble cause. For me and for Africans, it is an indisputable fact. I go even further. In my opinion, the whole culture of the world has its origin in black.
It was white racism that made Osiris a blue god. See his black skin above. I repeat, we were not born in Greece. Western culture did not come from a typical Greek hairstyle, but from an African headdress. From the very beginning of protohistory, Negro culture has had a great advance on our own or that of Asia.
Too bad for those who are shocked, the black race is the first, the oldest, the most evolved. Tradition teaches that the various ancient religions, mystery cults or rites of awakening, come either from northern Europe of Celtic-Viking culture, or from Egypt of the pyramids.
I have shown that the pan-African Negro culture was expressed in a brilliant way in pharaonic Egypt. It must be added that the traditional culture of the druids and druids, either Celtic or Norse, was also initiated by Negro giants.
Originating from Nubian Egypt and negroes, these esoteric and pagan cults spread to the Middle East under Negro influence before spreading into Greece and becoming very popular in the Roman West. These are paths to self-knowledge. Do not confuse with the ego. The Self is perceived as the imprint of the god, opposing the ego, dethroning the ego that we worship in an unconsidered way.
Among these mystery cults, the most famous are the Mysteries of Eleusis and the cult of Cybele or Isis, from the Greco-Egyptian hermetic. Isis, in particular, sets the tone for this article and reveals its interiority.
Venus of the Celtic druids and initiators of the North, also black, as a recent discovery shows, the first Celts and Vikings were black. It was time to give negroes their proper place in the history of spirituality, culture and sacred development. For years, Cheikh Anta Diop was the voice that screamed in the desert of incredulous whites.
For nothing in the world they would have subscribed to the yet convincing theses of Diop. He now has a university in Dakar, Senegal.
He has rehabilitated the use of the words Negro, or negritude, refusing to use the qualifier of black, which refers only to a skin color while the Negros represent a specific culture, a very old one. The colour of their skin is not important, especially since it is never absolutely black, but different shades of brown. For Cheikh Anta Diop, saying ‘the blacks’ is as racist as saying ‘the kinky hairs’. As racist and as false. Peoples doing so are definitely racist.
The black culture dates from a so distant past that in comparison the Greco-Roman antiquity is only an ignorant child. And the antiquity of the Chinese past is equally laughable. When our civilizations are counted in thousands of years, the black people could have developed a refined civilization several million years ago. Which became a planetary empire more than one hundred thousand years ago.
The Egyptian-Greek and the Celtic-Nordic sources are both marked with the black mark, one can only be surprised at the ignorance and contempt of non-Negos. They forget too quickly that the oldest human remains, Lucy’s skeleton and Toumai’s skull, were discovered in Africa. They are not aware that the first Buddha, Rama, was a black giant with a black skin and frizzy hair. Rama the nigger has conquered the whole planet, as I have shown in many articles.
America was discovered many times, because ignorance and forgetfulness from century to century make children. The very first inhabitants of this atomized continent were these same black giants. In the 14th century, the emperor of Mali Abu Bakari knew a lot about this issue. (more news below)
My conclusions are based on two main sources, esoteric tradition and scientific sources. The tradition is accessible to me by the Akashic annals that I visit daily. Access by astral way is as easy for me as the internet. This royal route also allows me to visit the past by moving on the timeline. This feat is less easy than access to akasha, because I cannot decide consciously, I must program my deep self, my unconscious.
If they were based only on this traditional source, which many serious people will reject because of my incongruous methods, all the discoveries I can make would be fiction. They would see me as a poet, a storyteller, two terms that I do not deny.
But tradition is only one of two sources I use. I am committed to offering the reader solid arguments, so that my assumptions are verifiable. So I would like to present here quotes from one of the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, tireless researcher of facts and evidence to establish this evidence: the black race is the first ethnic Homo sapiens.
This book is called Antériorité des Civilisations NègresPriority of Negro Civilizations (ANC in my source code).
Everything indicates that at the beginning, in prehistory, in the upper Paleolithic, the Negroes were predominant. They remained so in historical times for millennia on the level of civilization, technical and military supremacy. Any mind which is no longer capable of receiving this idea, even if it is objectively demonstrated, can bring nothing lasting to historical science. ACN11Priority of Negro Civilizations page 11
From the foreword, Anta Diop announces the color. He writes to demonstrate an evidence, which is not admitted by the entire scientific community for reasons that are absolutely not scientific, but purely racist or racialist. His whole book will have only this one, eminently laudable purpose, to give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to the negritude what is rightfully his.
Those of my readers who would like to have all the cases presented by Anta Diop, I refer them to this book and to the bibliography at the end of the article.
The only scientific conclusion that is consistent with the facts is that the first humanity, that is to say the very first Homo sapiens, were “negroids”. The term negroid is specious. In scientific literature, it is used to not say black. ACN16
The most authoritative prehistorians and anthropologists make Africa the cradle of humanity. ACN20
Aurignacian civilization was brought to Western Europe from North Africa by new types of men, the Neanthropes. ACN20
Despite these facts, anthropologists persist in inventing sub-categories of humans that are not quite negroid to populate protohistoric Africa.
The Negro is there from the beginning, he is even alone to exist for millennia, and yet until the threshold of historical times, the “savant” turns his back on him. It is quite possible that the black type, the “real” negro of anthropologists, has been present since -10,000. ACN25
The first Negro people who lived in the Nile Valley left indelible marks. This is the Anu people. ACN28
A mural* shows native Negroes submitting to foreign hordes.
*Tomb SD63 of Hierakonpolis
Abu Bakari, known as Bata Mande Bori in the oral tradition, is the fifth mansa to be called emperor of the Empire of Mali, a mansa of the manden or mandingo, who reigned in the 14th century. He was the first Mansa to ascend to the Imperial throne through the female lineage as a direct descendant of Soundiata Keita.
In the 14th century, we know that the “African colonies” of America were still a reality. While our warlords were going to tease the Moor in the Holy Land, Abu Bakari was mounting a transatlantic expedition to his ancestors’ colonies on the other side of the Atlantic.
In the north of Mali, Egypt stretched from the Atlas to the Red Sea. The Sahara was not a desert, but a green and wooded land around an inland sea, Lake Triton. The abundant harvests made it the richest country in Africa. Its brilliant civilization made its reputation. The young people of Rome and Athens were studying there.
But sacred land, Mali, was nothing to envy. In the days of the Mansas, this vast country was more prosperous than its northern neighbour.
After its conquests of Ghana and especially the Yekrour and the Jolof senegambien, the mansa had reconquered a good part of the ancestral lands. He then wished to take back in hand his long-neglected American lands…
For the mansa, emigrating to this sister continent was not a folly: his ancestors had done so millennia ago. ” The transatlantic route had long been frequented by the mool mariners from Senegal and Gambia. In the fourteenth century, his voyage without return is reported by Al Omari. The 1375 Catalan atlas and the 1413 map of Mecia de Villadestes show Mansa Bakari II raising his scepter to the other side of the Atlantic.” (source)
In 1312 he arms a sea expedition of 200 ships. Only one has returned. In the middle of the ocean, the fleet had encountered a kind of very violent river. The ships, caught in violent whirlwinds, had sunk low one after another. This river was probably the Gulf Stream.
The Mansa does not lose heart. It is aimed at the marine carpenters of Lake Chad, renowned for their great skill. They had inherited the know-how of the boatmen of ancient Egypt. Their ships were adapted for the high seas. Abu Bakari orders them in 2000. When the fleet is ready, he takes the lead. Nobody has ever heard from him…
(The two paragraphs above are taken from the article America Was Black.)
☻ Nations Nègres et CultureBlack nations and culture, the major work of Cheikh Anta Diop
This book published in 1954 by Présence Africaine is the first and most influential work of Cheikh Anta Diop. Originally this book is a compilation of several topics which are the subject of a doctoral thesis. This thesis began in 1949 when Cheikh Anta Diop studied at the Sorbonne University in Paris. The theme is “The cultural future of African thought”. It is supervised by philosopher and epistemologist Gaston Bachelard.
The writer and politician Aimé Césaire, in his Discours sur le colonialisme (1955), says of the book by Cheikh Anta Diop that it is the “most daring work a Negro has written so far and will undoubtedly contribute to the awakening of Africa”. (source)
☻ Antériorité Des Civilisations Nègres, Paris, African Presence, 1967, reissue in 1992
This book is the inspiration for this article. I have developed several strong ideas, but I am far from having done the tour! It must be noted that despite all the facts cited by Diop, despite the relevance of his analyses, despite the sum of irrefutable evidence, despite the obvious purpose, the white scientific community continues to turn a deaf ear. And it’s been going on for sixty years!
…and selective deafness does the same!
☻ Civilisation ou barbarie, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1981
☻ L’Unité culturelle de l’Afrique noire, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1960
☻ Les fondements économiques et culturels d’un état fédéral d’Afrique Noire, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1960
☻ L’Afrique noire précoloniale, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1960
☻ L’Antiquité Africaine par l’image, Dakar, IFAN-NEA, 1975, re-issue in 1993
☻ Nouvelles recherches sur l’égyptien ancien et les langues négro-africaines, Paris, Présence Africaine, 1988
(posthumous work)
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