Abu Bakari II Mansa of Mali


Long before Columbus, the white colonization of the Americas and the slave trade, America already was colonized by blacks who had established trading posts there with an advanced civilization. In the 14th century, the “African colonies” of America were still a reality. 
Listen while reading : The Mansa of Mali, Salif Keïta Retrospective


While our warlords went teasing the Moor in the Holy Land, Abu-Bakari II, mansa or emperor of Mali, armed a transatlantic expedition towards his American colonies too long neglected.

After his conquests of Ghana and especially of Yekrour and Jolof of Senegambia, Mansa Abu Bakari II decided to regain control of his long neglected American lands … In 1312 he armed a naval expedition. No one has ever returned. To Abu Bakari, emigrate to this brother continent was anything but crazy.

His ancestors had done thousands of years before. They have been the rulers of America for centuries. The transatlantic route had long been frequented by mussels’ fishersSenegambian sailors

In the fourteenth century, his journey without return is reported by Al Omari. The Catalan Atlas of 1375 and the map of Mecia de Villadestes of 1413 show Mansa Abu Bakari II raising his scepter towards the Atlantic. 

Two centuries after Abu Bakari II, when Christopher Columbus organized his own expedition to the West Indies he will take for guides some sailors chosen for their knowledge of Africa, of the transatlantic navigation and commercial languages of the time, including the ghanawan, ghuanani or Guarani. 

The same native African populations will resist, from 1492, the Spanish conquistadors who will name them “maroon negroes“. In Ramakushi language, Tarana or Parana means the area, country or continent TA of the NA followers of the god RA, ie the infinite.

According to Professor Pathe Diagne, the representation of Ra, the infinite, in the African ramakushi culture, is very close to the Dravidian representation of Shiva, the impersonal Source, the infinite alternately creative and destructive… It is interesting to note the increasingly sensitive emergence of the culture of the Gondwana, this black continent that broke out a long time ago … We find the black culture of Gondwana not only in Africa but also in India with the Dravidians, and in Oceania with the Melanesians. We find it, therefore, also in America, at least if we follow the thesis of Pathé Diagne: “The emergence of ramakushi cults was reflected on a planetary scale by the construction of religious metropolis, from the 8th millennium BCE” (source)Pathé Diagne, Tarana  

That means ten thousand years ago, no less! When agriculture appeared… Coincidence? Or synchronicity? Two thousand years before Sumer, which was so far considered the oldest western civilization. And three thousand years before the Chinese civilization, considered the oldest in Asia …

The question we might ask is this: how some developed Africans, builders and sailors, settlers and administrators, could they have evolved to find, for some, the status of hunter-gatherers or savages which contradicts the normal direction of evolution? Yet that thing happened more than once in history. After a major disaster, civilized populations have lived a tragic return to barbarism, for lack of resources and organization… Besides, who says that evolution is not a myth? Who tells us that our time is an improvement compared to the past? We are victims of optical illusions… History repeats itself and gets us lost in its turns and prevents us from dating events…




Some of them seem to have happened several times, like the return of the Feathered Serpent or the discovery of America… In concluding this study of the outstanding works of Pathe Diagne, I can not help saying that this brilliant scholar, probably anxious of his credibility already compromised by the boldness of his ideas, did everything he can to evade the thorny issue of Atlantis, taboo subject among all academics. 

Yet all his conclusions lead us there, starting with the very name of the lost continent:

Egypt, ancient kingdom of the Anous, has for hieroglyphic name Ath-Ka-PtahSecond heart of God. That of Atlantis was Aha-Men-Ptahlying Elder of GodAha-Men-Ptah is the Amenta, Land of the Dead for Egypt. But the original name that was given by its founders was Tama Re, or Tamara. From Tarana to Tamara, the parentage is eloquent.


America was Atlantean.
Today Atlantis is called America.
The so-called New World is the oldest known.

Men do not learn much from the lessons of history and that is the most important of all the lessons of history. (Aldous Huxley)


While Prof. Diagne uses linguistics, I devote myself in the language of Goslings. This is an exciting game that already emulated. You get to look for other words in the sounds. You will understand.

Where did Abu Bakari go? The language of Goslings will help. The brave mansa was emperor of Mali. Repeat Malian, Maya, Malian, Maya … and dare to argue that it did not sound alike. Dare to argue that the confusion between these two tones is excluded.

You do not dare? In this case we have the answer. The Maya are descendants of the ancient Malians. The Maya once came from Mali. The giant Olmec heads are the heads of Malian warriors.




The Mansa of Mali, Salif Keïta Retrospective

There is only one thing bad in you: you think you have eternity before you.
Carlos Castaneda