America Was Black

To read while listening : The Mansa of Mali, Salif Keïta Retrospective


Long before the birth of Christopher Columbus, long before the slave trade, before Saint Brandan and the Vikings, America had already been conquered. In those distant days, Europe was still the domain of Cro-Magnon when America — or Amenta, or Tarana — was already colonized by Africans. They had built pyramids, elevated roads and developped the metropolises of an advanced civilization. But History is written by Whites …

Listen while reading : The Mansa of Mali, Salif Keïta Retrospective


The Mansa of Mali

Abu Bakari, known as Bata Mande Bori in the oral tradition, is the fifth mansa to be called emperor of the Empire of Mali, a mansa of the manden or mandingo, who reigned in the 14th century. He was the first Mansa to ascend to the Imperial throne through the female lineage as a direct descendant of Soundiata Keita.

In the 14th century, we know that the “African colonies” of America were still a reality. While our warlords were going to tease the Moor in the Holy Land, Abu Bakari was mounting a transatlantic expedition to his ancestors’ colonies on the other side of the Atlantic.

In the north of Mali, Egypt stretched from the Atlas to the Red Sea. The Sahara was not a desert, but a green and wooded land around an inland sea, Lake Triton. The abundant harvests made it the richest country in Africa. Its brilliant civilization made its reputation. The young people of Rome and Athens were studying there.

But sacred land, Mali, was nothing to envy. In the days of the Mansas, this vast country was more prosperous than its northern neighbour.


Bound To America!

After its conquests of Ghana and especially the Yekrour and the Jolof senegambien, the mansa had reconquered a good part of the ancestral lands. He then wished to take back in hand his long-neglected American lands…

For the mansa, emigrating to this sister continent was not a folly: his ancestors had done so millennia ago. ” The transatlantic route had long been frequented by the mool mariners from Senegal and Gambia. In the fourteenth century, his voyage without return is reported by Al Omari. The 1375 Catalan atlas and the 1413 map of Mecia de Villadestes show Mansa Bakari II raising his scepter to the other side of the Atlantic.” (source)Pathé Diagne, Tarana 

In 1312 he arms a sea expedition of 200 ships. Only one has returned. In the middle of the ocean, the fleet had encountered a kind of very violent river. The ships, caught in violent whirlwinds, had sunk low one after another. This river was probably the Gulf Stream.

The Mansa does not lose heart. It is aimed at the marine carpenters of Lake Chad, renowned for their great skill. They had inherited the know-how of the boatmen of ancient Egypt. Their ships were adapted for the high seas. Abu Bakari orders them in 2000. When the fleet is ready, he takes the lead. Nobody has ever heard from him…



The Africans of Columbus

Two centuries after Abu Bakari II, Christopher Columbus organized his own expedition to the West Indies, as they still called America. Financed by the descendants of the Templars, he will go to La Rochelle to get copies of ancient nautical charts, the Portulans. I hold them for a legacy of the Gods of Before, the ancient Atlanteans.

But it is quite possible that the Portulans were at the origin of nautical charts belonging to the monarch navigators of Africa. And while we’re at it, it could also be the same…see below

In any case, Columbus take as guides navigators chosen for their knowledge of Africa, transatlantic navigation and commercial languages of the time, including Ghanawan, Ghuanani or Guarani. Columbus knew that the West Indies were populated by Africans. (source)Pathé Diagne, Tarana 


Brown Negroes

There is no doubt that these African natives joined their ancestors from America. They are the ones who will resist, from 1492, to the Spanish conquistadores who will call them “brown negroes“.

Some people will be surprised by the meaning I give to this term. For the African slave traders to America, it meant something else. The brown nuns were slaves who escaped from white lands and regrouped in villages, or so they say. How could these escaped niggers have built villages, some of which were obviously old? The conquistadores have left several testimonies in this sense.

Moreover, the guardians of the plantations did not go by the book. Each escape was a manhunt and the fugitive was hanged without trial.



The law of lies

Another thing: why were they called brown? For their colour, of course. They were clearer than the unfortunate slaves of the black trade. Because for generations of Africans in America, they had crossed paths with Asians coming from the north. The mixture gave populations “brown” with narrow eyes: the Amerindians. The Indios of Latin America…

Only the lie of the European settlers has been imposed over the centuries. When it comes to saving face, who cares about the truth? The honour of white Europe has been worth many lies…




In Ramakushi language, Tarana or Parana means the domain, the country PA or the land TA of the followers NA of the god RA, that is to say of the infinite. Or Rama… To be brought closer to Paraguay, where we find PA RA, the Land of Ra.

According to Pathe Diagne, the representation of Ra, the infinite, in the African ramakushi culture is very close to the Dravidian representation of Shiva, the impersonal Source, the infinite in turn creator and destroyer…

Rama Shiva sounds in my head like a long echo that will soon become clear. Amarnath, pilgrimage of Shiva.

Rama = Ra Ama.
Shiva = Sh Eva.


Pathé Diagne

The Senegalese linguist-editor and economist Pathé Diagne died on Wednesday, August 22, 2023, in Dakar, at the age of 89. Born on 7 January 1934 in Saint-Louis du Sénégal, Pathé Diagne is “an intellectual of all battles for national languages, especially alongside his companions Cheikh Anta Diop and Ousmane Sembène,” his nephew says.

This historian of civilizations was the founder of Sankoré publishing. Pathé Diagne was also the husband of sociologist Fatou Sow, a researcher at IFAN and one of the first students of the University of Dakar, now the Cheikh Anta Diop University.


Ten thousand years ago

It is interesting to note the emergence of increasingly sensitive culture of Gondwana, this black continent now shattered… The black culture of Gondwana is found not only in Africa, but also in India with the Dravidians, and in Oceania with the Melanesians. It is also found in America, at least if one follows the thesis of Pathé Diagne: “The appearance of the Ramakushi cults was translated on a global scale by the construction of religious metropolises, from the 8th millennium AEC” (source)Pathé Diagne, Tarana 

There are very recent new elements that confirm the Pathé Diagne’s thesis.

Black Europe

“We found biological markers that define races. Searching among millions of sites for markers to subdivide into ethnic groups, we found a few hundred. (…) These markers are nothing more than DNA sequences that make it possible to differentiate genomes, as we used to rely on morphological criteria (skin color, slender eyes, etc.) to define races. For example, it is known that several different genes contribute to a clear skin, SLC24A5 is the one found in most Europeans, but not the only one. The mutation of this gene, involved in the fair skin of Europeans, appeared recently, about 7,000 years ago; before that, European populations had black skin.”

These indisputable scientific facts make Diagne’s thesis a certainty. In a previous article, I reported on this discovery. Originally the Celts and Vikings were Negroes.



All Africans!!

Only 60,000 years ago, all men were black. Barely three thousand generations… It is in the heart of Africa, we must remember, that the human race was forged more than 200,000 years ago, before conquering the world. Some of us would tend to forget these precious roots. Thanks to geneticists, who can now read our open-book chromosomes, we are beginning to get a clear idea of the conquest of the world by this two-legged, big-headed animal. Le Point

“Genetic studies of mitochondrial DNA (transmitted by the mother) show that there were at least four major groups in Africa, corresponding to the four main language groups (Afro-Asian, Nilo-Saharan, Bantu/Niger/Kordofanian and Khoisan).” Hence it is concluded that there were only “four races in Africa, and all populations outside of Africa are descended from one of them. This one also spread to Africa and mixed with the other three groups.” (

Geneticists confirm it: Africa is the mother of all men. Africa created the human race, but also culture, art and technology. Before Cro-Magnon, Frédéric Lewino added. Le Point


One single civilization

Pathé Diagne was right to state that “the appearance of the Ramakushi cults has been translated on a global scale by the construction of religious metropolises, as early as the 8th millennium BCE.before the common era(source)Pathé Diagne, Tarana 

So ten thousand years ago, metropolises like South Africa emerged around the globe. At that time, the Ramakushi Negroes built them. All our cultures are said to originate in Africa. And as I have proclaimed for fifteen years, it can also be said that the first world empire, that of Rama, was Negro, civilized, tolerant and urbanized. In a few centuries, it has covered almost all the land.




Ramakushi culture

All this happened in the 8th millennium BCE.before the common era So what? It was just the time when agriculture appeared… Coincidence? Or synchronicity?

Neither. Historical truth. The black civilization is very old, as evidenced by the skull of Toumaï or the skeleton of Lucy.

Insiders have known it forever. From generation to generation this hidden wisdom was passed on to Fabre d’Olivet and his Epic of the Sudeans. The black culture was first agrarian, it is Negroes who brought their agriculture to the rest of the world.

We are in the middle of the Neolithic. For historians, Neolithic is protohistory. Very soon it will become history.

The Ramakushi civilization flourished long before any other known civilizations. The 8th millennium BCE is almost two thousand years before Sumer, so far considered the oldest western civilization. And three thousand years before the Chinese civilization, considered the oldest in Asia…

The question that can be asked is how developed Africans, navigators and builders, colonizers and administrators, have evolved to a status of hunter-gatherers or savages that contradicts the normal sense of evolution?


When history stutters

The thing happened more than once in history. After a cataclysm of great magnitude, civilized populations have been able to live a tragic return to barbarism, due to lack of resources and organization.

Besides, who tells us that evolution is not a myth? Who tells us that our time represents progress compared to the past? Blinded by the blurry glasses of official history, incomplete and lying, we are victims of optical illusions. History repeats itself, and in doing so it loses us in its spires and prevents us from dating the events.

Some of these events seem to have happened several times, like the return of the Feathered Serpent or the discovery of America




What about Atlantis?

In concluding this study of the remarkable work of Pathé Diagne, I cannot help but think that this brilliant academic, doubtless concerned about his credibility already compromised by the boldness of his theses, does everything he can to avoid the thorny question of Atlantis, a taboo subject among all academics.

And yet, all its conclusions lead us to it, starting with the very name of the disappeared continent: Egypt, ancient kingdom of the Anous, carried for hieroglyphic name Ath-Kâ-Ptah, Second heart of God. Atlantis was called Ahâ-Men-Ptah, the Elder Lying of God. Ahâ-Men-Ptah is the Amenta, land of the dead for Egypt. Land of the Dead, because Atlantis has disappeared, says Plato, in the space of one night.


Tamara and Tarana

Professor Pathé Diagne, author of, can be rightly considered a precursor. He had a friend, another great black scholar, Cheikh Anta Diop. I have quoted him here and there, I intend to come back soon.

So America was called Tarana. Like Atlantis? It was named Amenta by the Egyptians, but the Atlanteans called it Tama Ra, or Tamara. From Tarana to Tamara, the relationship is eloquent.

It is funny to find in one article recent scientific evidence, older cultural and linguistic evidence, and a truth that I have been convinced of for years, when travelling there by astral route. I am a passenger of time, I move there as you take the bus. Except that I go much further, where very few humans can go, and unlike the bus, train or plane, it costs me nothing.



Malian = Maya

Diagne uses linguistics brilliantly, like Alain Aillet. I do not disdain it, although I prefer a more amusing method, within everyone’s reach, the language of the Goslings. It has the merit of being not only rational, but above all initiatory.

This exciting game that makes emulators consists of looking for other words in the sounds. Where was Abu Bakari II, the intrepid mansa? He was the emperor of Mali. Repeat Malian, Maya, Malian, Maya… and dare to say that it is not similar.

You don’t dare? In this case we have our answer. The Mayans are descendants of the ancient Malians. Pathé Diagne was right. The Mayans came from Mali. The giant heads of the Olmecs are the heads of Malian warriors. Mansas from America…

Rama Kushi = World of Rama

Ra, the infinite or the Sun of Hyperborea, that is to say Ramos the Celt, or Ra the god of Egypt, or Rama Hindu divinity. Rama Kushi, the civilization of Rama, a global conqueror with his gigantic fleet and his overarmed troops, whom the Greeks have called the Peoples of the Sea, and which centuries later they could not evoke without a shiver of terror, The technological superiority of these peoples was great.

The Sea Peoples are Atlanteans, Americans, black aliens descended from the sky millions of years ago. Yes, the time scale has just changed, but what you take for a free affirmation will soon be supported in these pages by an archaeological bomb, coming from the Amenta/ Tamara, from the very old world that is America.



In Brief

America is Atlantis.
The New World is quite old.
Atlantis was the door to America.
Africa has been the mother of all humans.
Pyramids are typical of the Negro architecture.
Negritude has been the cradle of all our civilizations.

Men do not learn much from the lessons of history and that is the most important of all the lessons of history.

Aldous Huxley


Africa Saga



Men are a thousand times more bitter to acquire wealth than culture, although it is perfectly certain that an individual’s happiness depends much more on what he is than on what he has.
Arthur Schopenhauer