Lord Krishna


The great initiates: Rama, Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus, such is the title of a book by Edouard Schuré. The menu is appetizing but the pavement is indigestible. The only interest of the book is in the title. I gave it to you. This is the list he gives of the great initiates. For the study of the initiates in question, rather trust Eden Saga.

I mentioned Moses, albeit succinctly. The ark and the Sinai, but without the details. I also said two words about Hermes. It is not enough, I agree. Orpheus? I only scratched the surface of this magical poet, this fulfilled musician, this perfect lover, this blameless warrior, this Christ the savior of men. For Pythagoras, no praise. He deserves none.

Learning does not teach intelligence. Otherwise, it would have instructed Hesiod and Pythagoras.



There are several distinct periods in Krishna’s life, each of which is the subject of special worship among his devotees. His childhood seems to have inspired that of Jesus, so close are the two stories. Little Jesus and little Krishna are foster brothers, let us not doubt it.

As for his adolescence, Krishna is frankly moving away from the kind anecdotes full of good feelings which we made the beginnings of Jesus. Krishna is a cowherd. In the Far West it looks like a cowboy. And pretty cowgirls interest him the most. Here is what Wikipedia says:

However, young Krishna continues his work as a cowherd in Vrindavan. His frequentation of gopis, the cowherds of the village, young girls or married women, is the subject of many stories. One of the most famous, many times illustrated by miniatures, is the episode where, finding the gopis bathing naked in a pond, he steals their clothes and takes refuge on the top of a tree, not deigning to return their business only when they come to ask him for them at the foot of the tree.

He is also often accompanied by Râdhâ, his favorite lover before his main wife Rukminî, at the center of a round danced by the gopis, round which he accompanies with his banshrî flute called Râsa-mandala, an instrument still practiced today. in India in his honor, particularly in Manipur where his cult is very active.

The intercourse of Krishna and the gopis, women whom he is supposed to have all satisfied, symbolize the divine Principle which individual souls seek to unite for liberation. (source)

Remembrance of Paradise

Yes. It symbolizes. But it also describes, right? The behavior of the god denotes a distressing machismo. Why be surprised? The gods consume. Good food, beautiful women, everything that is best for them, they consume. We vainly seek the infinite goodness taught by our religions. Reality was more prosaic. More realistic too : drink, eat, fuck … We’re made in their image. Drink Eat Fuck I N I T E L Y!!

And we had to play their game. Our distant ancestors had little choice. They fucked the tyrants in the face. And they weren’t little tyrants. Day and night, our ancestors must endure them. Hard working, heavy tasks. Thus passed the happy period called Earthly Paradise. Yes, happy. For them gods…

In fact, for these planetary management professionals, our planet was the occasion of a galactic erotic frenetic party, with wild beasts coming from afar to fight, to delight and to fuck in the muck.



A wise, a demon?

The first mention of Krishna is found in the Rig-Veda (Mandala VIII, 3-4) as the name of a sage, but also that of an asura. (source) An asura is a demon in the Hindu tradition. The asuras oppose the devas, protectors. It is strange to see that a demonic being was able to become the most popular and most revered god in India. Another paradox. But this human anthill is no longer close.

A simple explanation may appear. All over the world, when a new cult emerges, the gods of the old religion immediately become the demons of the new religion. No doubt Krishna was the victim of this habit. It represented an older religion, the new Hinduism demonized it, before rehabilitating it when another form of worship was imposed in turn.

The Krishna people

Krishna is not a devil or a god, he also represents his fellows, the krishnas. “In the Vedic hymn we find the account of a defeat of 50,000 krishnas and their families by the god Indra.(source) If Krishna is a demon, it is right that he be fought by the protective gods. Indra messes with 50,000 krishna. Which shows that Krisna isn’t just a man, god or demon. It’s a whole people who resemble him. A black people, like the Viziers who accompanied Rama, black like Krishna.

We find the same phenomenon with Enoch and Gilgamesh in the East, Quetzalcoatl and Viracocha in America, to name but a few. No doubt they were black. Without a doubt. Or with doubt?

“The populations which populated the Gangetic plain before the arrival of the Aryans have a dark complexion which would thus be at the origin of the name of Krishna.” (source) A whole dark colored people, apparently. This dark people, would it not be the people of Osiris? The Ouizirs or Viziers? The first masters of the Earth, the rulers of a planetary empire, who over the millennia have lost their ancient power when they saw their authority melt away.

Properly interpreted, these excerpts from the online encyclopedia tell us a lot. Do you think Wikipedia spotted them? Not at all. She observes a heartbreaking silence. The online encyclopedia is resolutely conservative as its name suggests: wikip = we keep. Nothing progressive about it. Nothing.

Be confident, you are in Edenrama and Sagacolor. Nothing will escape us. Follow the techno saga!


Krishna rides on a flying mount named Garuda. Some texts describe a man-bird, others evoke a winged dragon. Those who wrote them are not direct witnesses. Is it just an animal? It is in the myth, but the myth is not a testimony. See the story of Muhammad crossing space on his winged mount. For me it is a spaceship. The original facts fade over the generations. Storytellers adapt and distort. From one language to another, they translate, and to translate is to betray a little.

A flying mount, of course, is a dream. The decor is set, the myth is composed. Some may say that such a mount could not exist; that is the difference between historical facts and legends. But look around! A flying mount exists, we see it everywhere. In all regions of France, flying clubs welcome U.L.M., ultralight motorized vehicles. On our beaches, on our cliffs, parasailing or paragliding crisscrosses the azure. And in the skies of Provence and the world, the Patrouille de France dazzles the spectators with its acrobatics.

In my opinion, this is an unmanned aircraft. An intelligent aircraft (AI) that steers alone and obeys orders given by voice. Hence the bird-man. He is heavily armed with machine guns and a flamethrower; hence the dragon which can spit a jet of flames. There is nothing pacifist about the gods before. Keudnib. To be convinced, just take a look at their loathsome arsenal.



The above image is titled “Krishna lifts Mount Govardhana” painted by Bikaner, circa 1690. I think this is a misunderstood episode. This mountain evokes the heart of Hyperborea. One can imagine that a very old oral legend evoked this divine mountain, with magical gardens and orchards of abundance, like the lofty abode of Lord Krishna, which would confirm its Hyperborean origin – which I have no doubts for a second.

Krishna of Hyperborea

Nothing has changed under the sun. What sun? The familiar star that lights up our days? Or the Grand Soleil of Hyperborea? As bright as a thousand suns, as hot as a million stars, and suddenly colder than infinite space, this Sun occupies half the sky. Similar in mass to the planet Venus – it has been said to be her – Hyperborea is a wandering planet, a mothership, a Black Star of Starwars. Produced by a galactic civilization billions of years of existence, the technology that this ship uses is truly unimaginable. Refer to the articles which mention it: From Atlantis to HyperboreaHyperborea in the skyWhere to locate Hyperborea?

Krishna is dark skinned. Let’s say black, let’s be honest. If the Hindu iconography hesitates on its color, showing it sometimes black, sometimes blue and sometimes white skin, it seems that this god – this people – is that of the Wizirs –those of Osiris– black conquerors who once marched under the banner of Osiris and Rama to conquer the whole Earth.

Like his ancestor Rama, Krishna belongs to the fabulous black people, who from the beginning has kept a good lead over other races, always industrious, technological and consuming while the blacks, for ages, have given up their false advantages to return to nature. they are the ones who are right, as the new followers of the return to nature show. They put themselves in the school of “primitives”, much more evolved than “civilized”.

This black origin makes Krishna and his people an emanation from the gods before. Krishna is black like all the first co-workers of the terraformers. The black race was created first, normal that it was ahead of the others, more recent.

Krishna and Radha

Krishna is not a stingy thing and his Radha is not a stingy, believe it. Generous to the point of excess, he is lavish with his treasures. Lover of his consort, gallant with all women, brilliant dancer, exuberant singer, attractive storyteller, he is both the one who bewitches and the one who attracts to him. Krishna has so many facets, beyond his person, we can guess a whole people in his image. He is the wonderful blue god, not to say black. The little divine child is the delight of all the ladies around him. Strong like Hector, better like a god, the child Krishna, still celebrated in India, is the model of the child Jesus. It is from the child Krishna that the legend of Jesus stung the chapter Little Jesus, which is still very successful.

Where do you want it to come from? All the delicacies, the great affection, the weapon in the eye before the little god naked on the straw, an offering of birth as on the cross the Great Jesus thirty-three years later will make an offering of his death. All these pious ditties praising the prettiness and adorability –adorable debility?– of the naked little god who cribs in a stable. These pious images, these inventions of which we find no trace in the New Testament, can only come from an earlier sacred tradition. Mithras? Horus? Who are these blue gods lining in a row? The relics of black hegemony?



For further

If you deny the obvious, no problem. If you need further information, read these few articles, chosen among many from the vast Saga of the Black People:

Black Lilith

Prehistoric Nuke Reactors

Maputo Eternal Africa

The Sudean Epic

The People Of Osiris

Pre-diluvian Peoples

Black Celts and Vikings

Black Buddhas

Black Gods In America

Olmec Heads

The Olmecs Were Astronauts

Native Black Americans

Back To Yoruba Country

Abu Bakari Mansa Of Mali


For most of us, life is like a ladder in a chicken coop: slippery and covered with shit.
David Hemingson