Three Persons In You
You know you are unique. Do you know you are three in one ?
You know you are unique. Do you know you are three in one ?
My reki give real assurance in terms of personal protection against malicious intrusions
The aura is the spirit. The interface between the aura and the body is my subject today.
This article was completed on April 5, 2022 — To the eyes of the seer, any human appears as a great light almond.
Our body is wrapped and protected by several subtle bodies
The soul is seen in the gaze. The eyes and the aura are similar. Our other bodies connect them.
For Castaneda, the nagual is another world and also a man endowed with powers.
It is possible to reconstruct the total self buried in the depths of the unconscious.
The more beautiful the words, the more their artificial light diverts us from the Undefeated Sun!
Perception is the key to ordinary magic and the key to subtle perception is the assembly point
Vital energy, Prana, Ki, Vril energy, whatever the name, our hands heal
According to Castaneda, will is the key to power. New power brings new duty.