Silly Buddha
Nothing to do with Buddhism: it designates those who awaken without having sought it.
Nothing to do with Buddhism: it designates those who awaken without having sought it.
Awakening is a pact with the unconscious which first results in clear consciousness
Thundering Thor had a fire-spitting hammer and a plane with flying goats.
The Trinity precisely describes what everybody is: three persons in one.
Two unique trees were growing in Paradise. A hallucinogen tree grows in Egypt. Any connexion ?
Feathered Serpent in America, Vulture Snake in Sumer, Vulture and Uraeus in Egypt : are they one?
From the black moon to the full moon – March 13 to March 28, 2021.
You, Ptahotep, give your pupil the sense of Tradition, as an example for youth.
Individual courses resume, I am peachy with total confidence. Be the same!
Tantra and sacred sex are true ways to enlightenment
Sleeping as a warrior is the surest way to the infinite mystery of the spirit
Experiencing the Little Mysteries: my practice of the arcana XIII initiation