The Reign Of Rome
Rome is still ruling the world
Rome is still ruling the world
Baruch Spinoza was the first philosopher to dismiss the three religions Judaism, Christianism and Islam.
Devil then god, Krishna is a blackskin god and his people is called Krishna.
There is a thing in common between Henoch and Jesus: they resemble each other like brothers.
The Jesus case did not finish pouring ink after having shed so much blood. Barbara Walker investigates.
“I am now called Anosh, I am an ascended master and I travel along the timeline” he said to me in a dream.
The story of Jesus is much like that of Osiris, which took place 2500 years earlier
Many christs were known long before Jesus. Esus is one.
Dionysus was born of a virgin on December 25, he was crucified and resurrected from the dead on March 25.
Revolutionary symbol, her Phrygian cap was once that of Mithras
This unknown text fell into my hands. I remained confused.
A religion of the poor that starts on the markets to finish in the gold of the Vatican.