The Serpent People
Vulture Snake, Feathered Snake, the Beast : many names for the primordial Serpent
Vulture Snake, Feathered Snake, the Beast : many names for the primordial Serpent
Where is God? Nowhere, say the Egyptian mythology. God died 12,000 years ago. Ifever he’s not dead, he went away
Are we about to recover the expertise of Atlanteans? Did they come from the stars?
We believe we are the first ones on Earth, but we forgot our past, like our descendants will forget us
In ancient Egypt, meet the Flying Serpents again, and find some puzzling evidences of modern UFOs
Gods or rather visitors from afar?
All the seas of the world formed a single wave 2.5 miles high.
Intelligence everywhere, love and beauty for your plenty and upliftment.
Ancient Greeks say Age Of Heroes. Anceint Hebrews say Age Of Patriarchs
These arcana are under the sign of stars. I mean heavenly stars.
Ancient myths and legends are not the work of humans.
White god Tiki of the Andes is white god Enki of Sumer