Subtle Energy
Subtle energy or human vril is what makes us live, nothing less
Subtle energy or human vril is what makes us live, nothing less
The Vril was a means of awakening in Atlantis, the technique is slowly lost
Nikola Tesla planned to build metallic towers for condensing atmospheric electricity
Lightning conductors, batteries, superconductors, we invented nothing
Puzzling lamps were lighting since antiquity when discovered
The ancient astronauts had full knnowledge and wisdom thus they have been taken for gods
To measure vibrating points, geobiology uses the bovis scale and a pendulum.
The alignments of standing stones were used to transport Vril energy that ran over the tops of polarized stones
The Atlanteans? People dressed like us, who take the bus to go to work
Rediscovering the joy of going barefoot on sacred Earth
Their movement allows life, their opening means clarity, their strength is awakening.
Physical or moral, the pain can be so violent that it makes you want to die.