Maputo, Eternal Africa
A 200,000 years old city discovered in South Africa bangs the mainstream history of human species
A 200,000 years old city discovered in South Africa bangs the mainstream history of human species
Give the flower, not the plant
The world salvation depends on the all-powerful ship in space.
Or the fall of a gigantic island-spaceship that Plato called Atlantis
Your soul doesn’t belong to you, it’s you who belong to your soul
The civilization of the pyramids was global. Lots of them are found in America and Antarctica
The Bull, the Eagle, the Angel and the Lion surrounding the throne of God
Hopi Indians lead a humble life, punctuated by ceremonies and fieldwork
The Earth has a major energy characteristic: it is traversed by a network of energy flows
The warrior here is fighting only with himself.
A poem by Charles Baudelaire and paintings by Thomas Cole, The Voyage Of Life
How many beautiful truths are hidden behind a Latin phrase?