The Bull God
The Bull is the archetype of the male god, who has supplanted the Taure –the Sacred Cow, the Mother Goddess.
The Bull is the archetype of the male god, who has supplanted the Taure –the Sacred Cow, the Mother Goddess.
Opening a first door to open thousand else
The origin and importance of these gods who were worshiped throughout Europe
Awake Now. It’s hard time.
A stop on the path doesn’t mean road end. Even less the end of the Way.
Time travel, parallel worlds: my first steps in infra-temporality
Along with his contemporary Lao Tzu, Confucius is the first sage of ancient China
Living one’s death, why not? But first how to do? Silence. And what is the purpose? Mystery.
Yoga means path, its root is yoke, which constrains, enslaves. This yoga doesn’t.
The path of yourself is a long and winding road. Make sure to go on the right direction.
The Torah and the Bible are similar, but the Torah is much more explicit
Carlos Castaneda learns awakening tecnics, but he wants to go too fast