Awakening Techniques
The different ancient techniques of awakening listed with links to each page
The different ancient techniques of awakening listed with links to each page
Hundreds of healed trepanation found in neolithic skulls
Two unique trees were growing in Paradise. A hallucinogen tree grows in Egypt. Any connexion ?
Western path, this forgotten Tantrism makes pass from the being of flesh to the being of light.
In ancient times sacred prostitution was a worldwide practice
Weed found in Chinese shaman’s tomb dating 2,700 years
Designed to be used, programmed to work, at least we have a seed of light. Let it grow.
Some ancient practices allowed to become a living buddha
Immediate knowledge is a wonder for those who do not have it, obvious for those who acquire it.
Living one’s death, why not? But first how to do? Silence. And what is the purpose? Mystery.
The former gods used many ways to get enlightenment which they taught us.
Fifth humanity, the iron race with the heart of stone, the inhuman race of ours