Ancient Super Weaponry
The Gods of the Silver Age had an appalling and varied arsenal of weapons.
The Gods of the Silver Age had an appalling and varied arsenal of weapons.
The thunderbolt of Zeus is a pistol launching an electric ray called “serpent of fire.”
Serious evidences suggested that the ancient gods mastered nuclear fission.
The former civilization destroyed itself like we could do
Rockets, missiles and bombs, such is the modern and terrifying weaponry of Rama
Lightning brightens your spirit and makes it as clear as diamond
Vajrapani was a vajra bearer god — so were Zeus, Yahveh, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Cuchulainn, Hercules and a lot others
Thundering Thor had a fire-spitting hammer and a plane with flying goats.
Thor’s hammer was a vajra, like Indra’s weapon. Mythologies intertwine, the truth comes out
Osiris wears towering crowns the most various forms: they are weapons
The Bronze Age has inherited advanced technology. Who are the testators?
If divine goodness existed, humans should have noticed long ago