How I Feel


Hello Xavier, I would like to react to your article “aging or not?” Why aging? Why die? Nobody can really answer it. Our death, Castaneda calls it the Eagle, I believe. It is programmed, by whom and why? The subject of your reflection. Before you wrote this article, I told myself pretty much the same thing. Who benefits from our death? Here’s my answer: to our soul.


What I think

Our reptilian creators created us genetically and implanted in us a program, to enslave and control us. This program is ego, malware, a computer Trojan. So we need anti-malware to eradicate it. This sophisticated anti-virus is awakening. Otherwise, we will remain slaves under their influence.

But the Archons are neither our soul nor the source. The Archons are the masters of illusion, and astral travel is part of illusion. The illusory traps they offer us are only egregores from our collective unconscious since our reptilian conception. They manipulate us to idolize them. They also make us share some of their knowledge to better deceive us. They feed on our fear and ignorance. They parasitize us. I don’t think the Archon is our inner pilot.

The Source

I believe that only our inner light counts, a liberating light wave that is the SOURCE. I believe that the soul needs the source. To do this, it materializes to “learn” from humans and evolve as a soul. That is why we must die physically so that our soul can reach the source. I think our death comes when we have learned enough from the Source, and it from us.

Speaking of light, did you sometimes, like me, in the middle of the night, have visions of this inner light? A light sometimes more blinding than sunlight. I believe it is a kind of phosphenes but without any light source or retinal persistence. I still have no explanation…

Coming to see you, I thought I had finished my research but my thirst for knowledge is even stronger than before… You opened my eyes to the other world. I now believe that I was already awake for a long time. Visions, or rather perceptions, go back to the past, as for example, the lightning bolts noisy (kind of lightning magnetic resonance) located in the skull. I can’t describe it. It was like a sizzling electric flash — the kind of noise you hear near a street lamp post. I had always found it normal, in fact it was rises of kundalini.


Right now, I’m documenting Castenada’s life. A remarkable man. I came across the article of a student who knew him: “The Tensegrity of Carlos Castaneda”. Tenségritétension+integrity is an architectural term that expresses the balance of a structure by its tension. In this article it has a spiritual connotation.

I see a parallel with the middle way. Tensegrity achieves the perfect balance of forces of all kinds. It is true that the universe comes from a cosmic chaos and yet everything is regulated like a clock… Is it the source that is at the origin?



Hello Corolla, thank you for this letter, remarkable in every way. You are living proof that we do not age. I find it hard to believe that a 60-year-old just a few months before retirement has the energy to achieve this feat: progress on the path of awakening with the vivacity of a teenager. Better, even. For you add to spontaneity and enthusiasm the experience of a life with its riches and setbacks. He-who-has-never-been-lucky reveals himself in the open.

An insolent chance

Yes, you’re lucky. And you’ve always been. Yes, you’ve been awake for a long time. It’s hard for you to admit it. During the internship, I warned you there would be a delay effect. The revelations of your unconscious do not immediately reach your clear consciousness. They must make their way from your consciousness to your own magic, the one that allows you to understand the meaning of your life, the one that has allowed you to live with intensity the phases of awakening since childhood.

Your magnificent letter has given me this phrase:

No one is more enslaved than the one who falsely thinks he is free.


The opposite describes you better: no one is freer than one who falsely thinks he is a slave. You thought you were cursed, inconsistent, unlucky. You see yourself blessed, radiant. And luck has always smiled at you since here you are. In a few days you have succeeded in the most difficult of tours de force: to become what you are.

Let me answer your letter point by point, and in order.


Ego and Awakening

Yes, I agree with you that the Archons have control of our reptilian brain, which is the source of all our implanted programs. Some malware is also called “trojan horse”. We only imitate our creators, for good or for worse… And in order not to remain their imitators, their slaves, we must free ourselves from this malware.

Be careful, the ego is not only malicious. It is beneficial and allows us to grow. Without the ego, would this world be better? I don’t know. One thing is certain, in the best of all possible worlds there is no ego.

The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.

Carl Gustav Jung



The Archons are masters of illusion, and astral travel is part of illusion. It’s powerful, but I subscribe to it. When I think of the astral experiences with the Flying Wolves, I see how lucky — insolent, too — all of them got off so well. These powerful devils do not want the death of the sinner. Well not always. Our progress is useful to them, that is the paradox. It would be so much easier to believe like in the Middle Ages that there are nice angels and evil devils! But Gnosis made a clean sweep of this simplistic vision that I still cherished in a corner of my child’s heart.

Is the Archon our pilot? I’ve considered it, I’m coming back. He intervenes in us through hypnosis, he often reduces our free will to pieces, but he also helps us, with consistency. Everything happens as if he had to shine his creature to receive some reward from the Pleroma. If man is good, the Archon is rewarded. It is his way of blurring the cards to make forget the determining role of Sophia the Wise Goddess, who gave a soul to the animal created by Ialdabaoth the Archon.

The Source

Yes Corolla, we have within us a divine seed to germinate, grow, bloom and bear fruit. This “liberating light wave that is the SOURCE” we constantly need, and we almost always do without it. Why? Negative influence of jealous Archons? I thought so. I think we’re all undervalued as much as we are. We’re scared. And what terrifies us the most is to feel the infinite power of the Spirit that animates us. Can the Source one day also benefit the Archons? I think so and I am working in this direction.

Without the Source, there would be nothing. But without anything, the Source remains.

Lao Surlam


The light more blinding than the sun you have seen so often, you will live with it. You know that it is your home, your garden, your home base. This is the world of white light, Gwenwed, this plane of reality from which the Source of all springs.

The Archons are masters of illusion, and astral travel is part of illusion. It’s powerful, but I subscribe to it. When I think of the astral experiences with the Flying Wolves, I see how lucky — insolent, too — all of them got off so well. These powerful devils do not want the death of the sinner. Well not always. Our progress is useful to them, that is the paradox. It would be so much easier to believe like in the Middle Ages that there are nice angels and evil devils! But Gnosis made a clean sweep of this simplistic vision that I still cherished in a corner of my child’s heart.

Is the Archon our pilot? I’ve considered it, I’m coming back. He intervenes in us through hypnosis, he often reduces our free will to pieces, but he also helps us, with consistency. Everything happens as if he had to shine his creature to receive some reward from the pleroma. If man is good, the Archon is rewarded. It is his way of blurring the cards to make forget the determining role of Sophia the Wise Goddess, who gave a soul to the animal created by Ialdabaoth the Archon.

The Source

Yes Corolla, we have within us a divine seed to germinate, grow, bloom and bear fruit. This “liberating light wave that is the SOURCE” we constantly need, and we almost always do without it. Why? Negative influence of jealous Archons? I thought so. I think we’re all undervalued as much as we are. We’re scared. And what terrifies us the most is to feel the infinite power of the Spirit that animates us. Can the Source one day also benefit the Archons? I think so and I am working in this direction.

The light more blinding than the sun you have seen so often, you will live with it. You know that it is your home, your garden, your home base. This is the world of white light, Gwenwed, this plane of reality from which the Source of all springs.

All there is order and beauty,
Calm, pleasure and luxury.

Yes, before you came, you had reduced your hopes too much. But I knew it, no one comes to see me by chance. I have received this magnificent gift of transmitting enlightenment — or resurrecting it. I work on it every moment through Eden Saga, and this work fills me. But nothing brings me greater joy than a new awakened person. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing you. You express so well this inner conversion that is awakening. Your lost memories flow into you, to prove to you that you have found yourself. To show you you weren’t lost, and neither was your memory. 

Don’t think it’s too late. Such a miracle always comes in time.

That lightning sound in your head? It reminds me of the arcana XV The Devil of the tarot. At this stage, all chakras are open, except the ultimate, the crown chakra which opens access to the white light of awakening. The kundalini rise is blocked at the level of the skull. It is its dazzling light that you saw. The sound of thunder expresses the frustration of the kundalini who cannot reach the living Source, the white fountain.




Yes, Castaneda is an extraordinary spiritual master. Beyond the shadows that remain in his enigmatic biography, and even if he has transformed a shamanic experience into a literary masterpiece, with the betrayals and arrangements that it implies, only one thing matters. Castaneda’s philosophy works. A rare phenomenon, castanedism is a philosophy of action AND knowledge. As if Carlos had set the score written by Nietzsche to music.

Tensegrity innovates especially in the assertion — and the proof — that perfect integrity can result from extreme tension. Calm, stability thanks to opposite tractions… You say that everything is settled in this universe which nevertheless comes from an indescribable chaos. Are we sure that the original chaos is an astrophysical reality? Or just a misinterpretation of the genesis, which does not tell us about the Big Bang, but just about the birth of the Earth, wild planet. And the perfect order that reigns on Earth is the result of terraforming. Look at the chaos on Venus, the void on Mars or the Moon, the apparent absence of conditions conducive to life on the other planets of the solar system… The Source is one thing, it produces energy. But does it necessarily produce the order you speak of? There was a serious boost from the terraformers…

But the fact remains that the Source creates at every moment an inexhaustible flow of light and love. And if we take refuge in Gwenwed, we shelter ourselves from all bad fortune. Not away from the world, but in its center. In the heart of the pleroma. In the love of Sophia.


What you’ld like to know about Castaneda

When you’ll give up hope, I’ll teach you will.