The I-Ching is an ancient Chinese book of oracles. Its origin is very old. Under its known form, it does not give complete interpretations of the hexagrams: all that has survived is a series of comments to the strict use of the reigning princes, to help them in decision making and in the exercise of their office.
As a book of wisdom, the I-Ching is no exception to the traditional rule of the three ways of interpretation. In France, the Tarot has found again its three ways of interpretation, through the work of Jean-Claude Flornoy particularly — great performer and fervent restorer of the Tarot of Marseilles, and promoter of the Tarot de Rochefort.
The famous translation of the I Ching by Richard Wilhelm can not provide anything other than the way of the prince. That of matter, wars, strategies, cynicism and dominant ego.
I thought it would be useful to provide an overview of other interpretations of one of these fabulous hexagrams. At the way of the prince, which is that of Wilhelm translation, I added two more, too long hidden: the way of the sage and the way of light. But I contented myself with a hexagram, that I give you here as an example. To each proceeding, if feeling like it.
I picked Chen because it’s my favorite. It evokes lightning like awakening instrument, which is a striking confirmation of my theses.
The hexagram Chen represents the arcana XVI The Tower of the Tarot, and as this arcane, it is subject to conflicting interpretations.
It will be seen that the advice given to the prince are not the one given to the sage. When it comes to the way of light, the difference is even more striking: fear of the gods is no longer present, on the contrary …
The way of the prince – Hexagram
Chen / The Arousing, the Thunder
Top: Chen, The Arousing Thunder.
Below: Chen, The Arousing Thunder.
The hexagram Chen is the eldest son who took command with energy and power. A yang trait appears in two yin lines and exerts a powerful upward thrust. This movement is so violent that it arouses terror. Its thunder picture that springs from the earth and whose shock causes fear and trembling. (source)
The way of the prince – Judgement
The shock brings success.
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh !
fronted words: Ha! Ha!
The shock terrifies for a hundred miles.
He does not drop the sacrificial spoon and cup.
The shock produced by the manifestation of God in the earth gives rise to the fear of man, but the fear of God is good, because it allows the inner gladness and joy of succeeding him. If you acquired the inner science of what fear and trembling, it is insured against concussions that could cause external influences. While thunder rumbles as to sow terror a hundred miles around: he remains so full of calm and reverence that we do not interrupt the sacrificial rites. A profound inner seriousness from which come ricochet helplessly external reasons for fear, that is the spiritual disposition required of guides men and sovereigns. (source)
The way of the prince – Image
Continuous thunder: image of the shaking. Thus the superior man, in fear and trembling, rectifies his life and examines itself.
The continuous thunder, by the commotion it causes, brings with it the fear and trembling. Thus the superior man always observe an attitude of reverence before the manifestation of God; he puts order in his life and examine his heart to see if anything secretly opposes to the divine will. So fear is the foundation of the art form. (source)
The way of the sage – Hexagram
Chen / The Arousing Shock, Thunder Top Tchen: The Arousing Thunder. Below CHÊN The Arousing Thunder.
The hexagram Chen is a violent blow to stop the routine of ordinary life. One such shock is positive because it allows the wise to turn our gaze, and evolve in an unexpected direction. The sound and fury must not frighten the trembling deer, but deer rejoice solid.
The way of the sage – Judgement
The shock brings success.
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh !
fronted words: Ha! Ha!
The shock terrifies for a hundred miles.
He does not drop the sacrificial spoon and cup.
The shock produced by the manifestation of God in the life of the sage causes amazement and laughter to fois.Quand the earth trembles, everything she wears this sudden tremor, but the bird continues its straight flight. The wise man is astonished at nothing in order to marvel at all.
The way of the sage – Image
Continuous thunder: image of the shaking.
Thus the wise overcomes fear and trembling, he knows how to accommodate the shock so that the work is accomplished.
The continuous thunder, by the commotion it causes, brings with it fear and trembling ignorant. But the wise welcomes gifts of life, no omen is bad sign for him because it’s up to him to turn it to his advantage. The wise man recognizes himself in such violent circumstances: he has donated his life, what has he to fear death?
The way of Light – Hexagram
Chen / The Arousing Shock, Thunder Top Tchen: The Arousing Thunder. Below CHÊN The Arousing Thunder.
The hexagram Chen is when you receive enlightenment, powerful force that rises from the depths of yourself and falling together in the sky. The combination of these two forces, one that rises, the other falls, should not be the object of fear, but of confidence, because enlightenment is there.
The way of Light – Judgement
The shock brings success.
The shaking occurs: Oh! Oh !
fronted words: Ha! Ha!
The shock terrifies for a hundred miles.
He does not drop the sacrificial spoon and cup.
The shock produced by the manifestation of the light in your flesh because a first motion quickly subsided stupor. Immediately is laughter prevails because the success is there. The white light from the sky has forced the road to the heart of your being, she hath drunk and you went up to heaven with her. While the vulgar moves and made off, full of fear and trembling, to get away from the noise and fury of lightning, you stay focused on your path of awakening, you are not disturbed in your sacred practices.
The way of Light – Image
Continuous thunder: image of the shaking.
Thus the divine man, away from fear and trembling, welcomes with serenity this liberating fracture.
The continuous thunder, by the commotion it causes, brings with it the fear and trembling of the weak. But you rejoice the benefits of continuous thunder, which forces its way to the core of your being there to hatch the inner light. So the image is that of a crystal rock in the forge of molten lava. The crystal lights lava, lava consumes the heart of the weak and the weaknesses of your heart.