“Between these two photos, 65 years of adventure. Under the wrinkles, the child is moving. In my old body, he still lives.”
Was it not my humility, I could praise this famous reki. Never before has one felt his chakras, his kundalini, his aura, the subtle bodies around him so well. It is a rare, unprecedented sensation. This delectable parenthesis out of time and space seems truer than reality. That is what I could say, in spite of all modesty.
Principle clause
Yes, I could say that if my humility withdrew from me as the low seas left the pebbles. But no, she clings to it: to speak thus, I cannot. Humility and modesty, both firm and solid, absolutely forbid me. And yet! There is a thorny case here: a clause of principle. Eden Saga must hide nothing.
When this site was born in 2008, I swore to reveal everything I know, to say everything I feel, to spread all my discoveries as soon as they are made. For 16 years I kept my word. Why betray me all of a sudden? Why start misrepresenting the truth? Am I to say that Erquy’s reki deserves no praise? No. A thousand times no. I want to expose it. Describe as closely as possible the effect it makes. And it makes me.
It is a fact
Some will judge that I wallow in self-gratification and enjoy my own compliments.
I am using them with enough verve,
But I wouldn’t admit another would serve.
(Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac)
Believe without believing, dear unsinkable motto. It’s a fact, I believe in what I do. It’s my choice, I do what I believe. Don’t see the 15 minutes of satisfaction: like Japanese reiki, my Celtic reki is copied on the ancient druidic reki. Copied mindfully, knowingly. And carefully adapted to the time. Beyond its rare qualities, my Celtic reki has a flaw. It is only for the sensitive. Others will not benefit the same.
I will come back to that, but first I want to present the process in its successive stages.
My reki is nothing less than an energetic rebalancing. So we can write it in French: rééqui. Here is the story of my (re)discovery.
Origin(s) of the reiki
REI: mind, conscience, soul
KI: energy, strength, life
REIKI: Universal Life Energy, Life Force
Reiki is an energy technique by laying on of hands, originating in Japan.
“His story begins with a Japanese monk Mikao Usui, doctor of Scripture and Literature, born August 15, 1865, died March 9, 1926. He will seek in the sacred texts the miracles of Jesus and the healings of Buddha. It finds symbols and mantras in Sanskrit texts. Mikao Usui will meditate and fast for 21 days on a sacred mountain and on the last day the symbols and mantras are revealed to him. Mikao Usui discovers the secret of healing by laying on of hands.” (source)
Absolutely correct, and yet totally false. Japanese reiki is indeed the work of Mikao Usui. This seer had to fast three weeks at his place of power? So he had so little power? Twenty-one days of fasting to make a simple jump to akashic memories, the Nippons amuse me. Yes, he only needed a little tour of the Celtic past. His method is only a rediscovery that he put in his own style. Japanese sauces are certainly delicious. But in Gaul, let us treat ourselves like the Gauls. Like the Celts.
The rest here.
Adapt my practice
To develop my method, I did not like this Japanese. Directly connected to the Akashic annals, I went to see closely how the Celtic druids did at the end of the previous era. Here is what I observed.
The ancient druids did not limit themselves to the seven chakras. The trunk and the head do not make the whole body. On the limbs are secondary chakras of great importance for energy balance. Druids did not omit them. I followed their example by adding to my practice seven other double chakras. It is the reki 14 chakras, or 21 if we count the whole. Then, still in imitation of the ancient druids, I added 6 additional chakras, three above the head, in the extension of the kundalini, and three below the feet, in the same axis. This is my reki 18 chakras, 27 in total…
It is dangerous to rely on techniques invented and developed in antiquity. I did not make that mistake. My method is perfecting itself day by day. It is necessary: the vibratory rate of this planet increases vertiginously. The geo-biological energy we work with today is very different from that of the ancient druids.
Similarly, Japanese reiki practitioners should consider whether it is appropriate to blindly follow instructions and a method adapted to a bygone era, when very different energies were circulating. I have been practicing this energy rebalancing for more than twenty years. It has continued to evolve to closely match the evolution of geo-energy.
I am sure that if I were to practice this rebalancing under other skies, I would also have to adapt it. There is nothing fixed, no methodological taboos, no imperatives valid in all places and at all times. So the really sensitive and conscientious bio-energetics are condemned to this permanent questioning, solidly supported by their visionary talents.
The cross of life
Quaternary chakras are the horizontal branch of the cross, like the cross arms of the Vitruvian man, like the transept of churches. They are found in so many other right angles that all bear the mark of sacred signs.
Let me introduce you to four new chakras located on the arms. I call them the Quaternary chakras because they came in fourth position in my research. But rather than chakra, I would prefer the term nodal point. I discovered the work on these points before giving them names, or even knowing that they were chakras. I could not understand it before realizing their huge difference with the other chakras. The nodal points are ideally located on a horizontal line.
The meeting of the fourteen vertical chakras and the four horizontal points represents the union of Man and Woman. This union produces the child. Thus is realized in each one the eternal trinity, the Mother, the Father and the Child. If this trio surprises you, click on the previous link, you will find something to satisfy your curiosity.
The Mother is the Spirit, the Father is the Body and the Child is the Heart. Their union brings about the integration of our three persons, Heart, Body, Spirit. At the source is the one Soul-Spirit. In splitting she created the Body. The loving union of the Body and the Spirit creates the Child. Regardless of gender, the Child is Love. His union with another Child resumes the eternal cycle.
The Vitruvian Man
That is why the rebalancing of the chakras cannot be effective without integrating the horizontal branch of the cross. So I placed this article under the sign of the Vitruvian Man. I developed this vision while contemplating this masterpiece.
I had already noticed the importance of the nodal points of the upper limbs, but I had not understood that they are activated especially when the arms are horizontal, in one of the two positions described by the Vitruvian Man.
I do not doubt for a moment that Leonardo da Vinci, a great initiate, occult master and temporal traveler, would not have wanted to express the presence and secret action of these unknown points in his known and recognized work.
Read more.
The basis of my method
By traveling through the subtle body or body of energy located a few centimeters above the skin, I will detect anomalies and immediately remedy them. I would first raise the kundalini energy along the central channel to irrigate the entire energy scheme.
This is when blockages and energy leaks appear. I close the tears of the energy body – luminous geysers, mini translucent swirls, this is how I perceive the energy of these leaks. I close them and make sure the repair is solid. The trainee’s superior self still has to accept it and give me his approval.
Unlock the chakras
Blockages are located on either chakra along the sushumna central canal. The blocked chakra pushes the energy through the ida or pingala side channels. I unlock the chakra, it’s very fast. The energy flows through the central channel. Then I make sure that the chakra has resumed its optimal functioning. The whole process takes only a few minutes. But the effects will be stable, lasting, significant.
This method applies to the 7 chakras as well as to the 14 chakras or secondary chakras. But how to treat the extra chakras, those that rise above the head and those that sink under the feet? I groped like a Japanese with a perplexed complex. I absolutely had to find as much ease as I had for the 14 chakras. And it didn’t take long.
My dance of power
It all began in a disconcerting way. I received an impeccable warrior, Djian. I saw that he knows a lot. Detachment, acuity, control, sense of timing, Djian has all the qualities… Does he come to test me?
However, for him, on the morning of Thursday, the reiki session does not go as usual. The work room is a powerful, magical and invigorating place. I recommend my interns to sleep there. This is the best way to determine the benefits received during the day.
Upon entering, I find the trainee lying on the massage table, in meditation, ready to welcome. He took care to settle there a few minutes before I came to take the time to internalize, even to enter into meditation. So he will receive care in the best way.
Djian does not suspect anything, quietly lying on the massage table, he seems to sleep under the June sun. Surprise: I begin to dance around him. In the big bright room, I twirl, I spin, I waltz — not without grace, it seems to me. I’m a little euphoric.
While unfolding my dance of power, I realize that I have one! First news. The result of this unprecedented procedure is ten times stronger than before. I no longer walk my hands on the first subtle body, a few centimeters above the physical body, as I did before. I act on the second layer, 35-45 cm from the skin. And again, very briefly. The essence of my action lies in this surprising novelty: my dance of power.
The four-handed reki
And then another evolution came. Let’s say a revolution was imposed. My dance was perfect to act on the six outer chakras, but I had to rush my dance around the trainee to be able to process the above-the-head chakras as soon as possible after acting on the chakras under the feet. As much as I was spinning, the transition from one to the other was too slow. I needed help.
My dear Noémie closely follows my site and the practice of internships. Her desire to act is strong. On the subtle plane she is gifted, I said, I persist. Her astral or scalar perceptions and actions are out of the ordinary. Her energy and intuitive understanding reassured my trainees. So we decided to practice a four-handed reki.
The reki of summer gave birth to another rhyme. Its flow animates me, which comes from the other side so that we follow it and live it. With two to animate it, how not to love it? And how to name it, if not reki with four hands?
Two mages around a lying being who dozes before waking. One that pulls the branches above the crown chakra, the other that animates the roots of the soles of the feet. Yes, the roots, the word is well chosen for this plant.
Those of you who have experienced the reki of Erquy, who have received the effect it makes, who have watered of sea and great wind on the cliffs of Erquy, who have trod the sea of the dunes and the heather of the high roads, if of adventure you return, you will not come back. I was looking for this wonder reki, this treatment that awakens and makes the body alert. It works the chakras out of the body as well as the seven body chakras. It still awakens two chakras above the body, two others under the feet.
Read more.
The Rencontres have lived
Until 2020 I organized several times a year meetings, and as they were happening at home, I named them the Rencontres d’Erquy. I had to stop because of fatigue, I’m not old anymore. Now I focus my efforts on individual internships, much more effective. But it was during the Rencontres that I was able to develop the teaching of Erquy reki.
Learn to perceive waves, subtle bodies, auras. Become aware of our seven envelopes, the seven protective layers that surround our physical body. We are all protected. These protective bubbles are natural, we have them all around us since birth.
But they only work if we become aware of them. It happens with subtle bubbles the same thing as for scalar waves: because we have trouble believing it, we feel nothing. I think we should take the sequence backwards.
Not a week goes by that I don’t get asked if I do scalar training. Actually, yes and no. Scalar contacts, by definition, are remote. So proximity is not necessary. You learn by trying. The blockage comes from elsewhere.
Read more.
Tactile Reki
If my Erquy reki has valuable qualities, it also has a disadvantage as I said at the beginning of the article. It is only suitable for sensitives. For non-sensitive people, non-touch perception is unknown. They do not perceive their energy bodies. I had to imagine for them a tactile equivalent to my reki. It is now done. Everyone can finally enjoy the lasting benefits of this new approach to subtle bodies.
I first called this new reki massage. And then reki tactile. In fact, it is an evolutionary mix between holistic (or globalizing) massage that I have long practiced and touch assist or tactile assitance, an ancestral technique rehabilitated by an American sect.
In my crazy youth, I tried everything in the field of spirituality. I even went through strange sects, not out of conviction, but out of curiosity. So I was introduced to touch assist by the Scientology practitioners. A very unsavory cult, by the way. If other sects can be! None is more valid than religions. What is a religion, if not a successful sect?
Touch assist has proven to be very effective in curing a cold or relieving headaches. But this tactile assistance lacks the power to generate body effects comparable to those of Erquy’s reki. In addition, it involves complete nudity, which can be an obstacle for some, which I understand very well.
“SENSITIVE, IVE adj. 1 (old) Which belongs to the senses, to the sensibility.
2 (literary) Particularly sensitive, which a nothing can hurt.”
These are the definitions given by Petit Robert. For my part, I will add a third, the only one I use on these pages.
3 (metaphysics) Who can perceive waves, receive subtle sensations, see invisible things.
There are several ways to be sensitive, as the Petit Robert says so well, which ignores the one that interests me: this particular sensitivity that some beings possess, for whom the perception of different subtle bodies is as simple as touching solid matter. This particular sensitivity could be defined: ability to perceive waves that others do not capture.
Sensitivity is the power to perceive sensations so tenuous that they escape normal attention.
To make the most of neoreki sessions, the ideal is that you can feel the action of a hand a few centimeters from your skin. Like the lady in the image above, you will receive care without direct contact. The work of the neoreki is exercised on the different subtle layers that surround the physical body. The chakras, in particular, appear on the first layer, where the therapist’s hands are positioned on the same image.
Read more.
Holistic touch
There is no such thing as chance. If I had not experienced this strange initiation in my body, would I have been able to evolve the holistic massage towards the tactile reki it has become under my hands and those of Noémie?
All our actions, our training, our experiences come together and harmonize with the discovery of serenity. In the training work undertaken for eight years with my friend Noémie, we have reached this serenity. It gives great clarity of mind when the flow of parasitic thoughts finally stops. Scientologist touch assist and holistic massage have found their full expression in this holistic touch that I propose with the help of Noémie.
Holistic, adj. from Greek holos, all. Globalizing. Unifying. Harmonizing.
Hands and fingers
We only use our hands and fingers. This touch is very light, close to caress. There is no friction, strong pressure, muscle crushing or other manipulations that require a certain firmness. Touch does not seek to act on the physical body but on its invisible extensions, subtle bodies and auras.
I inaugurated this practice under the name of massage. My trainees misunderstood, they expected something else. After receiving it, everything became very clear. So I looked for a name that really describes it. Touch is not a massage. Fingers or palm suggest shapes, waves become sensitive, fine perception opens the doors of the body. Non-sensitive people perceive our movements around the massage table because our touches have awakened this perception.
Thinking machine
The reki does not touch the physical body, it is exercised on the first subtle layers that surround it. Putting the body in brackets seemed excessive. The sensitives feast, they ask again: the reki of Erquy is what suits them best. For the others, the most numerous, it was necessary to invent another approach to gentleness. The tactile reki is the answer.
Be careful, even if it has things in common with the holistic massage that I practiced for a long time, this touch reki is not a traditional massage. The massage is powerless against subtle energies. This is not its area of intervention. It aims to relax the body, relax the muscles, spread well-being. I have nothing to complain about, except that my point is quite different.
I aim for enlightenment. The means to achieve this involve going beyond the mind, into the sphere of the nonsensical. Too violent, the massage does not stop the machine to think, it feeds it. The touch, in finesse, diverts attention on its lightness that allows mental emptiness.
To go further
- Mindfulness
Being Sensitive
- Wedjat Third Eye
- The Body Knowledge
- Subtle Energy
- Three Persons In You
- Our Seven Envelopes
- Four Bodies, Three Auras
- The Subtle Body
- The Aura Cloud
- The Fourteen Chakram
- The New Auras
- Eighteen Chakram
- Subtle Sensors
- Energy Scheme
- The Caduceus of Hermes
- Energy blockages
- The Engram
- Magnetism
- The Alpha Wave
- These Hands of Love
- The True Story Of Reiki
- Hands Of Love
- Kundalini Reki
- The Neo Reiki of Rekinea
- Erquy Reki
- The Seven Chakram