The Law Of Oblivion
We believe we are the first ones on Earth, but we forgot our past, like our descendants will forget us
We believe we are the first ones on Earth, but we forgot our past, like our descendants will forget us
Just a little longer, you won’t see me any more. A lovely word attributed to Jesus.
Devoured by jealousy, the Archons have only one desire: to become like man.
“I would like to react to your article “aging or not?” Why aging? Why die? Nobody knows.”
I’ll ask myself still when the time of my death comes. The time of my death… (Polnareff)
Iblis Yaldabaoth is a jinn and the guardian of Paradise. Could he be Sheytan too?
There is every chance that Archons’ brain is of primary type: reptilian like us.
The subject of the Archons fascinates you and worries you too. Questions and answers.
Icy intelligences associated with their many psi powers, I fear them and I pity them.
For long weeks, I have been encysted in an opaque gangue that weighs me down
Just be grateful to be alive, to be who you are. And who will progress.
Can the astral become a new battlefield? Probably it is already, unknowingly …