Thundering Ramman
Ramman was worshipped throughout the Middle East and beyond
Ramman was worshipped throughout the Middle East and beyond
The Sumerian tradition tells the original story of Noah and his ark: a settling of scores between the gods
White god Tiki of the Andes is white god Enki of Sumer
In ancient times sacred prostitution was a worldwide practice
Designed to be used, programmed to work, at least we have a seed of light. Let it grow.
Adapa is a perfect Homo sapiens created by Enki as a prototype of a coming race
Tradition teaches us that civilization began in Sumer. But this is probably a reboot
The official History begins with Sumer in Mesopotamia, where so many kingdoms have followed
According to Genetics, there are only seven different type of women
Devil or goddess Astarte Ishtar Inanna presides pleasures of love
The sudden food abundance is the source of the myth of the Garden of Eden
The Anunna, masters of Eath or Ki, would have create a race of animals to help them. Here we came, my dear old friends!