The New Auras
The soul is seen in the gaze. The eyes and the aura are similar. Our other bodies connect them.
The soul is seen in the gaze. The eyes and the aura are similar. Our other bodies connect them.
It is possible to reconstruct the total self buried in the depths of the unconscious.
The ancient art of healing is still practiced today in Erquy — anciently Reki, a Greek settlement.
Their movement allows life, their opening means clarity, their strength is awakening.
The kundalini blockages are located on one or the other chakra
I had an intern who knew more than I did. I made me find this new reiki.
Cleaning the entire tree of life with roots and branches, will give you a great shape.
Individual courses resume, I am peachy with total confidence. Be the same!
Also called Tantra Reki, this unique practice brings together my various magical influences.
How to spot and fix blockages during a kundalini rise
Vital energy, Prana, Ki, Vril energy, whatever the name, our hands heal
Magnetism draws its distant origin in planet-ship Hyperborea