


Magnetic medicine is not new. It draws its distant origins in the hyperborean medicine, used for millennia in China, Japan, Egypt, Balkans, pre-Celtic western Europe and in both Americas.

The list is not exhaustive. It seems that Greece, in consequence of Aesculapius, has also practiced this medicine which is based on the use of the animal fluid, in other words the vril, or subtle energy.

This fluid medicine comes from Druid Ramos, raised on Hyperborea, then in Celtic land. He made himself famous by healing the Western people from a terrible disease of the respiratory system. Attributed to him, the discovery of the therapeutic powers of oak mistletoe, which is no stranger to the proper functioning of the vril.

As one knows if one has read the Sage of Eden, Ramos has traveled the world. For 40 years, accumulating conquests, he piled on his head the crowns and on his shoulders the burden of empires: Egypt, Eastern Europe, Middle East, India, China, Japan, Americas …

It has been known by many names, according to the countries and the epochs of his life. Ramos is also Horus-Ra, Ram, Rama, Mithra, Dyonisos, Mars, Lama, Lam, Vi-Ra-Cocha, and probably also Yahveh with his son Ab Ram. Let us note that Ramos might well have been known in pre-Socratic Greece under the name of Asklepios, that is to say, Esculapius. The latter would therefore not be of Greek origin, but hyperborean, like Ramos.




The great Rama was a unique conqueror in the history of our humanity, the fifth. He gained by arms and charm. As well as charms, prepared with plants, such as mistletoe. This demi-god was a devil of a man who almost succeeded, four millennia ago, the globalization they keep harping on about.

His world empire dates from the era of Aries, origin 2000 AEC, and it lasted a thousand years. When Rama disappeared in the mountains of Tibet, the planetary empire broke up, and other conquerors like Alexander the Great, Hannibal or Julius Caesar did everything to reconstitute it.

History stutters by dint of repeating itself, and leaves no room for chance, which as we know has never existed. History seems to obey a superior plan laid out a long time ago.

Anywaay, the glorious Rama had an unusual magnetism, which made him a seducer out of category. He is known to have had many hundreds of wives, and innumerable hetairs and concubines, whom he treated with courtesy and delicacy, manners well worthy of the Prince Charming as he has been surnamed.


quatre-barres-ricard-bofill-200poThe innumerable healings of which he is the author are another expression of his exceptional magnetism.

It is easy to understand why the magnetic medicine he practiced has spread throughout the world, like many Ramaic institutions, such as functional quadripartition, Lamaïsme or Buddhism, and the language of the origins.

After experiencing a glorious renaissance in the 17th century, magnetic medicine was totally devalued in the Enlightenment century, which as we know had nothing luminous.


“Magnetic medicine of the 17th century presents health as a state of harmony between the individual microcosm and the celestial macrocosm, containing fluids, magnets and occult influences of all kinds.

For Paracelsus, the internal power of the soul can act upon others: on its body, and on its will. For him, imagination is the magic force par excellence, which represents this power to act on others. The English physician Robert Fludd, influenced by Paracelsus, practiced medicine at a distance.

For the Belgian physician Jan Baptist van Helmont, every man is able to influence his fellows at a distance if an agreement between the operator and the patient has been created and if the patient’s sensitivity has been exercised.

The German Jesuit Athanasius Kircher considers magnetism to be an explanatory principle of all natural phenomena. He explains the magnetism of love as a fundamental law of attraction between living beings, the source of erotic bonds, but also of healing by magnetic cure.” (source)


In the next century, the 18th of the Enlightenment, the Austrian doctor Franz Anton Mesmer published his Memoir on the discovery of animal magnetism.

“His main theses are: a subtle physical fluid fills the universe, serving as an intermediary between man, earth and celestial bodies, and between men themselves – the disease results from a poor distribution of this Fluid in the human body and healing amounts to restoring that lost balance – by means of techniques, this fluid can be channeled, stored and transmitted to other people, causing crises in the patients to cure them.


According to Mesmer, animal magnetism is the ability of every man to cure his neighbor by means of a natural fluid whose magnetizer is the source, and which it diffuses through passes, known as Mesmerian passes, over the whole body. Soon Paris was divided between the pro and the anti Mesmer. For the latter, he is only a charlatan forced to flee from Vienna. The former think, on the contrary, that he made a great discovery.” (source)

Even if, not displeased to these gentlemen scholars, his discovery was rather a rediscovery …

Finally, the story has settled. The following centuries will sully magnetism. Whether it is mesmerism or hypnosis, it will be considered an attraction of fair or music hall, and not as an object of study for medical science. What a blunder!

The vital energy is an evidence that today a growing crowd of practitioners. The effectiveness of hypnosis makes him gain ground on anesthesia, addiction treatment, and other similar areas. Many countries classify the use of vital energy or human vril as the official therapeutic paraphernalia and recognize its effectiveness.

Of course, other pontiffs still protest. It’s inevitable. But people are sick and tired. They are no longer satisfied with following this or that academic monk who shines from his pulpit, vomiting his bile on all the subjects he does not master. Which are legions!




All dreams are true, the real world is not, the night bears wings and we glide with delight. All that we are taught is biased, rigged, and warped by the lack of imagination of the old preceptors. It seems that teachers are chosen from a special race, old from birth and conservative by naivety.

I am neither a tutor nor a doctor. The magnetism that I practice is that of the storytellers, or better: of the enchanters. The title is hard to wear. The children of Merlin, the little ones of the Mother Goose often find it hard to accept their gifts …

I live in a magical garden facing the Breton sea. From here I write the tales of the Saga. From there I run the cliffs and the dunes, the moors and the garennes in search of the great stones, friends of the living springs and healing trees. The murmur of the streams, the song of the birds, the rhythm of the surf and the gentle melody of the fairies rock my dance on the path with the heart.



Whoever you are, my tales are for you. I’m dedicating you to seeing me. Be at peace in war, worthy in the hard struggle. May my joy dance thy days, let my song heal thy wounds. That’s the way enchanters heal.

We stink of the head.
Lao Surlam