Categories: Egypt of the Lion

Female Pharaoh Hatchepsut


“My unshakable authority stands like mountains, the shining sun-disc spreads its rays upon my august person and my hawk rises above the royal banner for eternity,” says Hatshepsut the Male Queen. (source)JL Bernard, Aux origines de l’Egypte. No man had ever incarnated the sacred function with such a panache. But other women had already done so…


The Beautiful Egyptian Lady

This quote shows Hatshepsut in all her lack of modesty. The beautiful Egyptian loves to talk about Her in the third person. Daughter of the pharaoh Thoutmosis I, the singular queen Hatchepsout ruled over Egypt for more than 20 years. It was thirty-five centuries ago, around -1500. And his reign changed the face of the world. 

In the admitted history of ancient Egypt, a queen who becomes pharaoh is a unique phenomenon. It will take 1,500 years for Cleopatra of Greece to repeat the feat. But in his day, Egypt was a pale reflection of its forgotten glory and power.

Hatshepsut ascended to the throne around 1478 BCE.Avant l’Ere Commune The historian Manethon* calls it Amessis or Amensis. She reigns jointly with Thoutmôsis III, the son of her husband. According to Egyptologist James Henry Breasted, Hatshepsut is known as “the first great woman whose history has kept its name”. It would be better to say “the oldest matriarch that history has not forgotten” because there was a plethora of them before her…

*Manethon of Sebennytos, Egyptian priest of the 3rd century BC. He wrote a three-volume History of Egypt in Greek under the reign of Ptolemy II


Maat Ka Re

Fifth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Hatshepsut is a daughter of Pharaoh Thutmose I and his great royal wife Ahmes. Her husband is Thutmosis II, son of Thutmosis I and half-brother of the queen.

I say the queen, I should say the king: her manhood is imposed from the beginning on the people as well as on the powerful. Becoming the guardian of her nephew Thoutmosis III, she dares to defy tradition by ascending to the divine throne, then reserved for males. **

**And once the exclusive preserve of the Goddesses! But Manethon had already forgotten it…

Indeed, it is in the 7th year of her regency that the great Hatshepsut is crowned Pharaoh of Egypt, under the masculine name of Maat Ka Ré, “maat is the ka of Re” or “the Truth is the soul of the sun-god”.


Daughter of Hyperborea

What Truth? The great secret, once again. The sun-god Re is Hyperborea, the vessel brighter than a thousand suns, Hyperborea from which came Rama called Ra or Rê in ancient Egypt. Personifying himself alone the very numerous gods of Hyperborea, the Tuatha de Danann, the Fomoires and other Sons of the Sun, Ré Rama is the direct heir of the Druids, these daughters of Geb and Nout, these Great Goddesses who made the Sky and the Earth.

The Great Sun of Hyperborea, very close to the North Pole, darted its rays (Re Ions) over the entire northern hemisphere. Rays that did not dazzle despite their power relegating the old solar star to a secondary pallor.

“The bright sun-disc spreads its rays upon my noble person,” said Hatshepsut. That is the true truth. No man before her had ever incarnated the sacred function of pharaoh with such radiance.



The Transvestite Beard

From her coronation, she becomes man. She exchanges the sheath and crown of queen for nemes, loincloth court men, and false beard. Thus disguised, she becomes the equal of the pharaohs, able to maintain the order of Ma’at and access the living personification of Horus, ultimate stage of awakening for these great initiates that are the pharaohs. 

Hatshepsut had a great number of statues sculpted that show her manly aspect; she intends to be taken for a king. In her day, it was unthinkable. Let us not forget that 15 centuries separate her from Cleopatra, the Greek pharaoh of the decline of Egypt.

She still continues to boast of her feminine grace: “Looking at her was more beautiful than anything! Her splendour and figure were divine, she was a young girl of resplendent beauty,” she says without restraint. (source) JL Bernard, At the origins of Egypt

Not shy, the beautiful Hatchepsout. She has a huge nerve. And then a pair of balls to go with it. She succeeds in everything she does. She devotes her reign to an architectural program of a haunting magnitude, while maintaining civil peace and border security.

“My unshakable authority stands like mountains,” said Hatshepsut. That is the true truth. No man before her had embodied the sacred function of a pharaoh such majesty.


She Pharaoh

Its cleverly controlled ambiguity serves wonderfully his purposes and great ambition. The Pharaoh reigns as a man, but the absolute monarch knows how to turn into a sensual courtesan: “Her majesty put with her own hands of the oil of ani on all the members. Its perfume was that of a divine breath, its smell went all the way to the Land of Pount*. Her skin was gold, it shone like stars” she will write faintly. (source)JL Bernard, Aux origines de l’Egypte


The Land of Punt where Hatchepsut felt home was but the Atlantis of Indian Ocean.


Narcissistic and magical, Hatshepsut first wants to please his mentor, Hapouseneb, high priest of Amon, who is old enough to be his father.  Second character of the state, pope of the clergy, Hapouseneb practices a powerful tantrism. He manages to control Hatchepsout by keeping her in a permanent state of unsatisfied sexual arousal. (source) JL Bernard, At the origins of Egypt

It is really difficult to bring together the two aspects, male and female, so contradictory of the personality of the king-queen. 

The highest achievement of Hatshepsut remains the expedition to the Land of Pount, in the year 8 of his reign, from which it emerges glorified: the ships return loaded with luxury products (myrrh, ebony, incense, ivory and gold).

The commercial relations, interrupted for almost three hundred years with the Punt, are resumed thanks to Hatchepsout. The scenes carved on the walls of the second terrace of the temple of Deir-el-Bahari are magnificent testimonies of his journey.

“My hawk will rise above the royal banner for eternity,” said Hatshepsut. That is the true truth. No man before her had ever incarnated the sacred function of pharaoh with such ambition.


Punt or Lemuria

The Land of Punt means the Land of the Sea. It is also known as Lemuria.  It was a circular country that floated like an island in the middle of the waves. Have you ever seen circular islands? Yes, we saw Hyperborea the flying island, and also Atlantis. Like these two, Pount is not an ordinary island.

Historians and other experts are quite upset and ready to come to hand as to its exact location. For centuries, the scientists have not known. Millennia have taken their nerve and for eons they have been clinging to each other. 

Undoubtedly, Pount was a magical island. A flying island in the Indian Ocean. An artificial island as divine as its two friends, Atlantis and Mu.  This island is home to a people of immense knowledge, refined manners, the Pontic. They produce objects never seen before, weapons that spew fire, flying machines and all kinds of craftsmanship of exceptional quality.

The Pontic have all the characteristics of the gods before. They are. They came from their star on a large mother ship, Hyperborea, which has sown three ships-islands on the oceans of the globe: in the Atlantic Ocean, it is Atlantis.

In the Pacific Ocean, it’s Mu, the fabulous Naacal empire of Colonel Churchward. And in the Indian Ocean, it’s Punt or Lemuria. 



You can still look for these giant islands in the deep ocean, but you won’t find them. They took off. They have returned to the mother ship bunkers and all this beautiful divine world has gone home to Paradise. In the Great Bear.

Restoring trade with Pount is of paramount importance: for three centuries, the Egyptian elites were deprived of divine technology, especially that of lightning traps that allow awakening, this gift of Isis.


Electrum Obelisk

With the help of Pount, Hatshepsut ends this famine. She builds a lightning machine in her father’s funeral temple in Karnak. She takes care of raising two pairs of obelisks in granite, one set up in the hypostyle room of Thoutmosis I, the other “the oriental obelisks” leaning against the east wall.

On one of these “arrows from heaven” it can be read: “I did it for him with affection as a king does for a God. It was my desire to make him brown with electro.”

The electrum is an alloy composed of gold and silver found in the natural state in varying proportions. Very popular during the Antiquity, it was used to mint money in Lydia and Greece. (wikipedia)

The Gauls also used this alloy. A Gaulish treasure of electro coins was discovered in Brittany. This money deposit is now known as the Laniscat Treasury. It is a set of 545 Gallic coins discovered in 2007 at the archaeological site of Rosquelfen, in the French commune of Laniscat, Côtes d’Armor.


An Electrum Coated Pyramidion

The electrum, a metal alloy known since ancient times, is a mixture of gold and silver in varying proportions. It was once famous for its magical virtues, which are in my opinion nothing else than its great conductivity: as its name suggests, the electrum is an excellent electrical conductor.

The Egyptians used it to decorate their jewels, weapons, funerary objects or statues, but also the tops of obelisks and pyramids. The pyramid that once adorned the top of the Great Pyramid of Cheops was covered with it. I showed that it was a lightning machine, intended to awaken the initiates in the room of Horus, lying in the stone vat which has never been a tomb, as most Egyptologists are stubborn to believe.



The arrows of heaven

Hence it can be inferred that the “arrows of heaven” the obelisks of Hatshepsut were lightning sensors of a high efficiency. The whole was a perfect machine, designed to awaken the latent powers of great initiates. Hatchepsout did it “for him”, but who?  For her dead father who doesn’t care? Or to awaken the mighty Hapouseneb, his lover and guru?

It is possible. Some people believe that. As for me, I think she did it for the adopted son she has been taking care of since she took him in the Nile, a baby, drifting in a wicker basket.

Yes, the male queen Hatshepsut would be the adoptive mother of Moses. And her initiator. Broken by a dark affair of betrayal, Hatshepsut abdicates after twenty years of reign, leaving her nephew Thoutmosis III to crown the double crown of Egypt. The same Thoutmosis III, a few years later, will be swallowed up with all its army under the waters of the Red Sea. Thutmose III is undoubtedly the pharaoh of the Exodus.

He was drowned trying to catch up with Moses and the handful of runaways that would become the Hebrew people.


Africa Saga


African Wisdom



Xavier Séguin

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