God Is a Black Goddess


Where are the heralds(1) who have preached great truths about the nobility and antiquity of black civilization? Where are the heroes of global negritude? Where do today’s Diagne(2), Diop(3) and Sembène(4) hide? Howlers of evidence, their great elders passed by, broken by the disdaining incredulity of the white race.


(1) Harrow, common name. 1. In Greece and Rome, messenger to carry the orders of the prince, to make announcements in assemblies and to declare war. 2. Literary. Person who announces some remarkable event. Synonyms: messenger – prophet.

(2) Pathé Diagne (1934-2023), a Senegalese academic, was a multidimensional man who devoted his life to research, teaching, the promotion of national languages and the cultural and intellectual wealth of Africa. 

(3) Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986), Senegalese intellectual and author of books on history and anthropology. It showed the contribution of black Africa and negritude to global culture and civilization.

(4) Ousmane Sembène, Senegalese writer, author of the 1960 novel Les bouts de bois de Dieu. The novel describes the strike that took place on the Dakar-Niger railway line from 11 October 1947 to 19 March 1948, during the time of French colonization.



If these great men have passed the hand, it is because they cannot pass the relay. Yet the revolt rumbles, and its deep echo resounds in my heart. I am a little white ass without pretensions, I must take the follow of these personalities. I do it with modesty but also with rage, so much I am indignant at the bad faith of the race where I was born.

White nigger I feel, prophet of the negritude I want me, following these heroes scorned. Will being white prevent bad faith from taking hold again against the facts I state? Will the sum of my discoveries give me credit, if not respectability?

I do not count on it, as bad faith is stronger than good.

It’s easier to blow up an atom than a prejudice.

Albert Einstein


Nino Ferrer, “Je voudrais être un noir.”


Honestly I’m not the first white man to take up the cause of black people. Like Alan Patton (5), Johnny Clegg (6), Nino Ferrer (7) and many others white people, I would like to be a black man.

(5) Alan Stewart Paton, born 11 January 1903 and died 12 April 1988, is a South African writer and politician who founded the Liberal Party. He was born in the province of Natal, now known as KwaZulu-Natal. His family descended from English settlers in South Africa. His most famous novel is called Cry O beloved country.

(6) Jonathan Clegg, known as Johnny Clegg, born on 7 June 1953 in Bacup (UK) and died on 16 July 2019 in Johannesburg, is a South African songwriter-performer, musician, anthropologist and activist. Nicknamed the White Zulu, he is best known for his Asimbonanga hit.

(7) Nino Ferrer, stage name of Agostino Arturo Maria Ferrari, born on 15 August 1934 in Genoa (Italy) and died on 13 August 1998 in Montcuq (Lot), is a French-born Italian singer-songwriter.


Johnny Clegg, “Asimbonanga”


Other whites have risen up against this glaring injustice of the worst racism. Black people are not inferior to other human types. It is only to see the many areas where they excel, in arts, culture, sports, to realize our stupidity. Their way of living in their bodies, the flexibility and natural elegance of their gait, their plastic beauty, the extraordinary talent they show when they dance, for example, is enough to prove their extreme age. The blacks saw everything, knew everything, did everything while the whites did not exist yet.

First human colour, this ethnic group populated the whole earth when they were the only representatives of the human race. They were the first australopithecines, and then the first Homo sapiens to walk the ground of the blue planet.

This planet was already no longer wild for several billion years. The gods of before had arranged it with patience and tenacity in the idea to implant an intelligent species capable of administering it.

The history of our humanity begins in Africa with the australopithecines (8), anthropologists know well, but they speak only in a half-voice and refrain from drawing the necessary conclusions.

(8) The genus Australopithecus was created in 1925 by Raymond Dart after the discovery of the Taung Child in South Africa (source). Lucy is the name given to one of the best known fossil skeletons of the species Australopithecus afarensis. Lucy’s fossil skeleton was discovered on 24 November 1974 in Hadar, East Africa. (source) Lucy’s discovery in 1974 in Ethiopia was a major event because of the state of conservation of her skeleton and her age, 3.2 million years old. Composed of 52 bone fragments, the study of Lucy’s skeleton will reveal that she walked on both legs. (source)




Lucy in the sky with diamonds



Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
Someone calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eye. 

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head. 
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she’s gone.

Lucy in the sky with diamonds



On behalf of all whites

On behalf of my race, which has done many horrors and committed many crimes, I apologize to the Blacks for the advantages inflicted by despicable Whites.

They are the shame of humanity and deserve eternal reproach. Dear friends of the Negroes, I ask you for forgiveness for all the injustices, all the physical and moral tortures that you have suffered and still suffer.

Who am I to apologize to my brothers and sisters of color? An elected official? An MP? An ambassador? A politician? A statesman? An illustrious novelist? A successful author?

None of that. I am, as I said, just a little white ass. I would like to have the aura of a pope or a king, the influence of a billionaire, but none of them feels how much this indignity lasts and tortures a good part of the humans. The one I like most, the one that is least recognized.

Writing these terrible words, my stomach is gripped by a familiar pain. Symptom I feel before any racial discrimination, this crispness embraces me since childhood.

I have never understood the racism or the absurd and unjust racialism of which negritude (9) is a subject. I’m a white nigger, always have been.


(9) Nigger, negritude are not insults, far from it. It is rather the Black qualifier that was badly lived by Cheikh Anta Diop. It was quite clear to him, we must claim negritude, assume to be black and negro, remember the black art so powerful, so wonderful. It is necessary to claim the very great age of the black race, which was the first to appear on the land of Africa.

The Negro civilization has experienced an industrial and urban development, which allowed it to populate the whole earth, long before the appearance of the Yellows, Browns and Roses.


Our Mother Who Is in Heaven

God is a black goddess, the mother of this humanity, ours, fifth of name. Our Mother to all is a giant with black scales, because she is reptilian in addition. Do not think that I am delusional, those who are delirious are your teachers, your various scholars, your historians of all hair and color — provided that she is white.

I am ashamed for them, and that is a little. See this white skin red of shame in black anger. I would like to call here the great Nelson Mandela, the imperishable Aboubakari II, the brilliant Bob Marley, all the singers, musicians, painters, writers, artists who invigorate the oldest culture in the world.

How to name them all? Those who were dragged through the mud, covered with shame, who survived as well as they could, but rather badly than well, bent under the biting whip of humiliation and torture.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond any limit.

Nelson Mandela


Isn’it a disgrace To see the human race In such a rat race?

Bob Marley



An Unique god? They Were Millions!

God is a black goddess, I persist and sign. She is of the reptilian type humanoid. The one god is a macho invention, due to the unfortunate Hebrews who fell under the control of a terrifying dragon. Puffed with pride and complacency, this monster told them that they were his chosen people, and intimated them the order to worship only one god, himself.

This anthropophage dragon was neither god, nor emperor, nor reigning prince, but lieutenant-general. This is what his qualifier sabaoth means.

The former gods were the servants and servants of the Great Goddesses, and all were reptilian. They had servants, the angels ; and slaves, the humans.

The Vedas teach us that the former gods were more numerous than the stars of the sky. It is exaggerated, their number being estimated at 30 million. Huge figure for a single god. Christianity nevertheless has accredited this Hebrew whim of the one god, but to convert the followers of the Old Religion, the new one has agreed. The triple one god saw the day. A machista trinity without female trace, is this a way to grow and multiply?

It was necessary to put somewhere this Celtic trinity in which everyone believed. Well, our gullible ancestors have bought it all. To make them forget the ancient centaurs, the neo-Christian priests made them choke so many horses…



And yet beautiful…

Shame on the sexist, macho, paternalistic and racist Bible. Shame on the horrible words that stain ever more beautiful love poems, the Solomon’s Song of Songs. When I heard this at catechism, I remember crying.

I am black, and yet beautiful, daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the tents of Solomon. Do not take care of my black complexion, it is the sun that has burned me.

The sublime Queen of the Land of Sheba arrives at the Jews where she must apologize for her negritude. Black and yet beautiful!! The sun has burned me! What a shame!  Queen of Sheba is surely more beautiful than all the white women who share the bed of the great king.

Is this where the superiority complex that Caucasians (10) have developed and embellished comes from? The racialist Bible calls it loud and clear, and our fair-skinned ancestors believed it as a gospel word. We are a thousand times better than the Negroes surely, said these old pale ones, and many still think so. A complex of guilt diverted? The shame of having treated the black race like cattle they were trading?

(10)  Caucasian, or Caucasian, is an outmoded anthropological term for a human group that generally encompasses the physical phenotypes of populations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, South Central Asia, and North South Asia. This obsolete human grouping was created by the racialist ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries. 

I like this story that a Gabonese friend told me. It testifies to a much funnier and very fair racism, this one. A white who is beautiful, he is beautiful. A black who is beautiful, my god he is beautiful! A black who is ugly, he is ugly. A white man who is ugly, my God he is ugly!



Great Goddess Ama

The image that opens this article is a black virgin. There has been a lot of ink on this tradition, and some nonsense. To my knowledge, specialists have followed their lead all the way. Is it possible to go back that far? The peak of the phenomenon is located in the Middle Ages, in my opinion we must look for its origin much further. In distant times when the black and reptilian Goddess reigned on our planet, her dear Terra. From TER + RA, third planet orbiting the star Ra, ancient name of the sun.

Simply because Mary, a mammal, cannot be pregnant without a male. Since old Joseph had nothing to do with her pregnancy, one should suspect the archangel Gabriel, which I cannot — even though I have done so in some other article. But if we look at the side of the Mother Goddess, she is and remains naturally virgin, because reptilian females can give birth without the help of a male.

To avoid the problem, Christian authorities have tinkered with the concept of the Immaculate Conception — rather difficult to admit as a mammal. The myth of the Virgin Mary was therefore invented late to account for a much older myth, that of Ama, a reptilian mother virgin with a scaly and black skin.



Akashic Records

Everything is false in our history books, we must make up our minds. And for reason to keep up with so many ineptitude, we must turn to the Akasha. It is a more than ancient web cloud. A coud where all the memory is stored forever. All the memory of our species in its different variants, since we belong to the fifth humanity. The ancient Hindus called it Akashic records, Akashic annals or simply Akasha.

We’ve got the point. The Black Virgins are but representations of the original virgin, mother of all that lives in this part of the Milky Way, empress of the Hundred Thousand Stars.


Life = death

The Virgin and Mother Goddess has ruled Terra since its origin, and her reign will not end. At least on our scale, because the Great Goddess is alive, and all living must die one day. It has been turning for a good pinch of billions of years, but its turn will come. Whatever goddess she is, the reaper will cut off her legs and need to breathe.

So goes life which is nothing without death.



August 15 of the Druids

The tradition of the Black Virgins once spread throughout Europe, but it is still alive today in Spain, with a less medieval appearance. Nevertheless, the effigy of the forgotten serpent must still be seen there… that some druids make it their duty to resurrect each year in the hottest summer, around 15 August — a date cleverly chosen by the church authorities to attach a catho festival, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the imaginary.

Lugnasadh is the traditional festival of August, which contains the assumption, that is to say the ascent to heaven of the virgin Mary celebrated on August 15 since the fifth century. Of course, the cult of the virgin corresponds to our Celtic holidays. Indeed, lugnasadh is one of the lunar festivals, ie female, celebrated the full moon closest to August 15.

This second month of summer is the one of lions, male and female, but we all know lion women who hold an important place and who do not let themselves count.

It is therefore a season where the masculine unfolds all its faculties, but only the female presence allows the full development of Nature and the beings that compose it.

That is why it is essential to have enough men and women to achieve this balance (the Celtic Gauls practiced equality between men and women without states of mind).” (source)





Our Virgin Mother


The Matriarchs




Gift does not dispense with effort, talent does not dispense with work, genius does not dispense with humility.
Lao Surlam